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Project CARS Rank (Beta)


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Il team Slightly Mad Studios ha implementato una nuova ed interessante feature all'interno del suo Project CARS: si tratta del Ranking, per ora in versione beta, ma perfettamente funzionante. In sostanza, prendendo spunto da quello ben noto di Grand Prix Legends, il ranking attribuisce un valore alle prestazioni di ogni singolo pilota, inoltre si integra con il sistema Car Physics Focus Testing (CPFT), per fornire agli sviluppatori importanti feedback ed informazioni riguardanti lo sviluppo della fisica dei vari veicoli.

pCARS Rank?
I know we've touched upon this before, but I keep seeing the amount of good data in our leaderboards and can't help thinking that there must be some software/web magician out there who could come up with something great, initially during development but also for the final game.

For those that don't know already, here is some info about GPLRank, where this idea comes from:

... we could either do something very similar, or get creative and do something different, or extra. Essentially though we're talking about some kind of "objective" offline measurement of your progress/ability with the game, in terms of lap times.
I for one got a lot of enjoyment out of GPLRank and think I would again with pCARS. It's especially good for those with limited and/or inflexible time available (and so can't participate in a proper MP league).
The major complication before release of course is the rapidly changing cars and (to a lesser extent) tracks, thus making long term lap times rather meaningless. Nevertheless I'm sure some fun could be had, and in any case it's good to start planning/implementing now so we have something great ready for when the game is done.
Let the ideas begin, or let this thread rest in peace smile.png

pCARS Rank beta(s)

fonte WMD Portal

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