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Requisiti minimi e info utili + Build notes

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Build 521 (22/7/13, Team Member+)
* Event weather changed to clear 4
* Updated FFB strength and tyre force defaults for various wheels
* Disable center position for editable HUD
* Tires: fixed ModalCarcass heating, rolling resistance work on FlexiCarcass, side-slide fix for ModalCarcass
* Fix for set lazy BArray and BList Initialisations
* Also fixed a render leak with skyrings
* Temporary settings for the new tyre model - awaiting code support for 'slide' parameter. There is a bug - possibly related to engine torque settings which causes skid sound to play when car is stopped after a skid
* Fixed incorrect units in the tuning screen
* Eifelwald: New textures and export
* Derby National/GP: Dirt areas fixed in size and proportion, fixed flying fencepole issue, added concrete side kerbs and drains around the track
* Mitsubishi Lancer: Fixed doors positions

Build 520 (19/7/13, Team Member+)
* Drive tyre surface sounds from STM "slide" parameter
* Added Timer Test
* Added Input test
* WiiU: Fixed bugs in first pass timer code
* WiiU: w-i-p update to keyboard support
* WiiU Disable specular irradiance on WiiU.
* Misc other missing platform defs for WiiU
* WiiU fixup 11.11.10 HDR format support
* WiiU don't use linear textures for diffuse irradiance map
* WiiU Envmap uses 32bit HDR. Small deferred rendertargets are now in EDRAM
* WiiU FXCompilerWiiu pass '-m' to SLConvertor for Column major support.
* WiiU support for double speed Z only rendering
* WiiU GUI Text RenderTarget now uses EDRAM
* WiiU various minor renderer fixes (spot shadow size, release texture compile fix, rendertarget coherency)
* WiiU - Fix Primitive Culling (wasn't incorpoating translation)
* Updates to release/gold WiiU configs. Set warnings as errors
* WiiU half pixel offset shader fixes
* Added support for loading of vehicle-specific default force feedback tweaker config files
* Updated path to default force feedback tweaker config files, to reflect changes in data.
* Override chain for FFB tweaker values is now:
1. user's vehicle-specific file [user's Documents]\[Project]\FFB\FFBTweakers_[Vehicle].xml
2. user's defaults file [user's Documents]\[Project]\FFB\FFBTweakers.xml
3. vehicle-specific file [Project].srcdata\Vehicles\Physics\FFB\FFBTweakers_[Vehicle].xml
4. defaults file [Project].srcdata\Vehicles\Physics\FFB\FFBTweakers.xml
* Tires: added arm and gut to FFB options. Updates for kart test
* Added AJ's latest kart FFB tweaker file
* Moved default force feedback tweaker config files to separate folder
* Career calendar event updates, prev/next
Pit Stops:
* Removed teleport to pit box when entering pit lane. AI now attempts to drives into box
* Updated Steam build scripts to exclude steam_appid.txt from Steam builds. It's not needed as the id is baked into Steam DRM that is applied to pCARS.exe

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Build 523 (23/7/13, Team Member+)
* WiiU remove MessageBox.cpp from Unity build (was removed from project)
* Added WiiU keyboard lib to linker inputs
* WiiU fix for new compile error with latest
* Optimisation on the rendertask processing. (big help on WIIU)
* Fix for shared render data being deleteled before the render tasks
* Enable ghost selection layer for events page
* Lotus 98T: Changes to tire heating using Casey's heating model, added some tack and tweaked the adhesive,tear and base grip along with it. Moved aero CoP back 100mm for turn-in feel. Reduced wing setting to 6/6 for the Florence CPFT test as it suits that track better

Build 522 (23/7/13, Team Member+)
* Interim version of mouse steering implementation (not yet functional)
* Tires: further soft twist handling. Tweak to slide reporting
* Input: Added stubbed version of input for use when MWL_BASE_INPUT_ENABLED is not defined. Currently only a few calls are stubbed
* WiiU: Added w-i-p update of BKeyboard support for WiiU
* BDbgAssert: Updated macro to avoid a function call each time it is invoked
* WiiU - fixed environment map setup to render all dynamic envmap faces every frame
* WiiU various thread assignment fixes (moving to Core 0 or 2 to offload work from the main core). Physics thread/controller - add missing setup and set various PC define paths
* Derby National/GP: Fixed up disappeared pitwall fences, added more drains found on the left beofre last chicane, fixed up various floating edges around track, fixed gap in terrain at mcleans, started working up and polishing textures for kerbs and grass textures for inner terrain
* BMW Z4 GT3: default setup update, better heat retention in tires and fixed tire carcass heating

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Build 524 (24/7/13, Team Member+)
* Fixes to input and registry handling:
* Changed all input code that was "Vista or Win7" to "Vista and above", registry cleanup and message filtering should now happen on Win8 as well
* Modified Logitech registry cleanup code to modify only HKCU, not all users (which would fail anyway for all but HKCU)
* Test if registry key deletion succeeded, preventing infinite loop on access right problems
* PC: Set default PC memory alignment to 16 bytes. This was initially done for x64 configs only but is also being set on 32 bit too to maintain consistency between both versions and also give a potential boost to 32 bit optimisations
* WiiU: First pass of keyboard support
* WiiU deferred helper - use 11.11.10 HDR formats for phase3 targets and also place in MEM1
* WiiU CPU profiler support + moved injection to be in the pre post link step on the elf (not the rpx, as was previously the case)
* WiiU - implement shared RenderTarget/Texture support. Also fixed up support for Volume textures
* New Pit Strategy screen added, available (but non-functional) from the Session Overview screen
* Start lights now updated 1080p resolution
* Derby: Tweaked fences texture maps

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Build 526 (26/7/13, Team Member+)
* DX11 Dynamic Envmap prefers 32bit HDR format (11.11.10). Deferred small rendertargets used for envmaps and RVM now attempt to use 11.11.10 for HDR phase if available
* DX11 add DestPixel format supported implementation (needed for HDR optimisation)
Tweak It:
* Change to replay file formats so tweakit can handle the strings.
* Darkening wet surfaces diffuse color according to water level value
* Derby National/GP: Merged Tomas latest fences, started working over kerb and grass textures, started on adding kerbedges between road and kerb, continued working and fixing service roads texture and materials which are not all tarmacs
* Dubai: Official Dubai Aerodrome logo added, minor typo corrected on Pit Strategy screen
* Pagani Zonda R: New default FFB tweaker
* Pagani Zonda R: Changed cockpit exposure value to 0.75
* Lotus 98T: Increased twist stiffness per AJ's latest. Slight decrease in tack for feel. removed all optional tires

Build 525 (25/7/13, Team Member+)
* Reduced Physics and FMOD pool sizes to release 60MB to system
* 64 bit: Fixed bug in small pool alloctaor that prevented blocks from being freed properly
* BDebug: Fixed bug that caused a lock during a fatal if called during pool creation
* BDebug: Enabled BDbgFatal in Gold config (doesn't apply to server exes)
* Allocate game pool early in the init phase. This prevents startup crashes when the game pool might fail to allocate because the virtual address space is too fragmented at that point
* WiiU SRGB handling fixed up. GUI and Renderer Colour levels now match PC
* WiiU F1 Debug Menu Rendering - direct to texture colour value fixes
* WiiU - Int shader parameter support. (fixes problem with glass shader/wipers)
* PvP tracks show %age complete instead of laps
* Dubai: Placeholder Track GUI logos and naming change for the menu (national & international)
* Derby National/GP: Merged in new fences from Jan, fixed hard edges on terrain, started on proper kerb textures
* Pagani Zonda R: removed alternate tires for duration of the CPFT test
* Pagani Zonda R: Revised physics/setup to start CPFT test
* BMW Z4 GT3: fixed vibration of rear wheels when on the brakes at standstill

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Build 535 (8/8/13, Team Member+)
* Added 'trajectory' param, based on car angles to camera
* Enabling new 'trajectory' parameter for directional trackside audio. Currently experimental settings only
* The Atom 3 SC limiter no longer beeps like an alarm on the limiter. I changed the supercharger profile so it's not audible at the limiter and also eq'd out a high frequency from the limiter sound samples
* The Atom 3 SC no longer shares engine audio assets with other vehicles
* WiiU fix for Late Anim Tick causing loading crash
* WiiU fix for missing SRGB GUI textures causing a renderer crash
* WiiU: Fixed post build process cmd line
* WiiU: Re-enabled loading of script pakfiles on consoles
* WiiU: Added missing APP_NAME preproc to GamePhysics
* WiiU: Fixed incorrect input enum
* WiiU: Fixed post build process cmdline
* Tires: 'bite' parameters added to FlexiCarcass, auto FFB scaling option, soft clipping FFB option
* DX11 Fixed fast-path for shader constant shadowing (first part of exploding bones in MT fix)
* Project exlcude file fixes
* Early implementations for the Generic Buffer classes
* Formula Gulf FG1000 : initial alpha2animations
* Lotus 98 (modified driver positions and steering animations)
* Bannochbrae: Terrain completely reworked, new textures, trees added/repositioned. ALL WIP
* Volusia: New export
* Formula Gulf 1000: Fix for piece of cloth clipping through: changed position of feet on pedals , raised by 2 cm
* Ford GT40 MkIV: Removed errant space in filename that was breaking the custom liveries

Build 534 (7/8/13, Team Member+)
* Resource Management refcounting made threadsafe using Atomics on all platforms
* Removed refcounting/removetexture sequence on SetDefaultEnvmap - there was potential for this to be not threadsafe (one thread could increment the reference while removetexture was in the middle of deleting it, and the code was really just 'housekeeping)
* Fix for gear wobble affecting frequency of engine sounds using a frequency multiplier
* Atom 3 SC and SP300R checked in with a fix to the octave pitch issue. I also fix the issue causing the Atom 3 SC engine not to play. Both now have gear wobbles
* Added 2 new Pit Strategy screen text lines
* GT Slick - GreenFlash: Changes to camber response and a significant rebalancing of the various grips. May be slightly faster than before
* FFB: Default tweaker based on the Zonda R file which got good feedback in last test
* Azure Circuit: New export
* RUF RGT8: LODX model done
* Pagani Zonda R: Changed roll bar stiffness
* Pagani Zonda R: reduced bump steer on both ends. revised default setup for new tire
* Formula B and Caterham SP300R: Removed boost until a more accurate system is developed
* FG1000: Switched to new BAC Mono sound as a better placeholder
* BMW M3 GT4: Tweaks for red rim textures
* BMW M3 GT4: Added last 2 liveries + fixed #32

*KNOWN ISSUES* Ghost saving and loading seems to be broken at the moment. It is a server side fix we think, so will keep you guys up to date.

Build 533 (6/8/13, Team Member+)
* WiiU minor fix for initial small deferred target setup in BeginFrameTasks (also was missing MAX_RENDER_THREADS variant)
* Lighting fixes for Rear View Mirror when rendering in MultiThreaded mode
* DX11MT Fix Dynamic Envmap default envmap setting + don't overlap static/dynamic envmap rendering for now. Fixes flicker fences in main view
* (All platforms) DefaultEnvmap can be set per renderthread
* DX11MT fix for hang on race loading at night
* Atom 3 SC incar and external engine set, plus an AI version.Including all the latest sound events such as int/ext gearshifts, backfires/splutters and distant based effects and roll-offs.There is no gear wobble - those wild octave pitch changes are somehow related. So I've removed this until the code guys can nail down the cause
* Derby: Crowds - fixed floating and cutting crowds, updated wrong positions
* BMW M3 GT4: Added 16 user created liveries
* BMW M3 GT4: Added colour variations for rims + cpit paint
* Ford Focus: Added LODX wheels and tires

KNOWN ISSUES: The Atom is missing its engine audio and sounds like a Jet at the moment. We are also missing 2 of the new BMW liveries.

Build 532 (5/8/13, Team Member+)
* Adding pit to car warning speech placeholder examples for testing only
* Adding placeholder pit to car timing speech examples for testing only
* Adding pit to car calls (placeholders) for testing functionality ONLY
* DX11 - fix for heathaze 'everything goes black' bug
* DX11 - Rear View Mirror rendered on a thread with -dx11MT. Also fix initial rendermode startup setting for all threads
* DX11 fix for problems with instanced rendering when multi-threading. WiiU/DX11 Lighting and Fog values are now per thread which was required to fix the envmap flickering. Also fixed the remaining 64bit issues with the renderer
* Appside changes to Environment manager and RenderTasks to correctly pass renderthread id to Lighting Updates
* WiiU compilation fixes
* Added excludes for unnecessary Awesomium, Bink, PhysX, and Steam files to Steam upload scripts
* Moved all Pit Engineer script tweakable values, into HRDF for data tweaking by design
* AI race start future lateral calculation tweaks; Debug render text adjustments
* Additional diff logic for AI for stability
* Tweaks to throttle and coasting calculations
* Added Pit Strategy screen text to the database
* Derby National/GP: Fixed bunch of floating assets, still some remaining, will do second pass, fixed remaining viewer assets positions due terrain changes, updated static assets placement due terrain changes, second pass on floating static assets, continued inner terrain modelling/detailing -added Jans latest assets
* Volusia - add new big stand with interiors, add textures for big main stands
* BAC Mono: cockpit vibrations added; cockpit vibrations added
* Ford MkIV: Added custom livery support; Various fixes + UV mapping changes; changed UV mapping + various fixed

Build 531 (2/8/13, Junior Member+)
* DX9/DX11 various 64bit Rendering fixes
* DX11 fixup Threadsetup params for envmap, forward rendering etc
* GraphicsConfig - turn off auto texture resolution reduction with low OS memory in Aries
* WiiU CommandBuffer(displaylist) support implemented (required for multi-threaded rendering)
* Add GX2Invalidate queueing for command-buffers
* WiiU fixed R8 textures to broadcast red to blue and green channels to work with shaders expecting L8 style inputs
* Mouse Steering added
* Also added mouse L&R button-swap detection
* Re-saved the HUD_Messages.xml with Subtitles page layer turned off (fixes rouge messages (just for you Doc smile.png))
* Derby: Continued inner terrain modelling, 1st grid marking fixed, width of gate close to starting area fixed,added Janos assets, applied dirts and skids to all of the kerbs, fixed gaps in terrain, continued texturing and modifyfying the inner and outer terrain as per latest references
* Bathurst: Added metal barriers and moved them to match new updated csm, added trees at area left of the track after elbow
* Z4 GT3, M3 GT, Zonda R: Added data for filtering realistic driving aids
* FG1000: CPIT display: changed default units to metric
* FG1000: Fixed cockpit display RPM lights
* FG1000: Added missing display data file
* FG1000: Added cockpit display + fixed exhaust backfire position

Build 530 (1/8/13, Team Member+)
Race Engineer:
* Race Engineer text tidied in both the TextDB and UI
* Added warning window to launcher that informs about the migration to Steam
* Bathurst: Fixed minigaps found around the track, added extended roads after ellbow, added parking area in front houses, added blend edges, added earthy sideroad running away form track, switched shader from ground transition to ne wground transition, added/corrected asphalt areas behind pitbuilding, fixed mapping issues on left of first curve, fixed missing trackedge on long straight
* Derby: New texture maps
* Tires and Kart: work on FlexiCarcass, next pass on CPFT kart
* Pagani Zonda R: New FFB tweaker
* BMW M3 GT: (slightly) revised physics and new default setup. Camber response change to GT Slick - GreenFlash
* BMW M1 Procar: New flash tread based off the capri tyre. Basiclly a hard version of the capri. New chassis setup for the new tire along with some brake heat peak changes to keep the rear brakes from unbalancing the rear under brakeing once hot
* Lotus 49: Added some heating to the carcass to keep the temps up. Added some grip off the driving surface

Build 529 (31/7/13, Team Member+)
* Updated project to use PhysX 3.2.4.
* Updated project configurations for x64 platform
* Fixed compile issues for x64 platform
Team Engineer:
* Added Team Engineer system
* Longitudinal CG exposed in Tuning GUI screens
* DX11 Fix for shdows on treewalls
* FG1000: UV mapping for paint, UV mapped CPIT display, various fixed
* FG1000: UV mapping
* FG1000: Prepared for custom liveries + runtime file fixes + ambient shadow
* Ruf RGT8: Improved wheel textures
* Ruf RGT8: Prepared for custom liveries
* Pagani Zonda R: Adjusted ABS effectiveness, lower default steering ratio, higher FFB tire force multiplier

Build 528 (30/7/13, Team Member+)
Replay Cameras:
* New set for Belgian Forest Karting Circuit - first pass
* New BAC Mono high RPM deceleration samples without the popping "blopping" for both incar and external engine sets
* Bathurst: Fixed minigaps and collision issues around bathurst track
* Derby: New texture maps
* Formula Gulf FG1000: External textures/mapping complete, material setup, lights setup, lightglow billboards added, new textures added, overlay polys added, mesh updates, etc
* Formula Gulf FG1000: Wheels dds texture. New texture, initial check in
* Formula Gulf FG1000: tire dds texture. New texture, initial check in
* Formula Gulf FG1000: misc dds texture. New texture, initial check in
* Formula Gulf FG1000: lights dds texture. New texture, initial check in
* Formula Gulf FG1000: brake disc dds texture. New texture, initial check in
* Formula Gulf FG1000: badges dds texture. New texture, initial check in
* Ruf RGT8: UV mapping

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Build 536 (10/8/13, Team Member+)
* Changed matrix number from char to s8 to ensure code compiles correctly regardless of the default setting of signed or unsigned chars in the various platform compilers
* WiiU shader/fx handler fix for mismatched lighting data when missing shadows
* WiiU streaming buffer tweaks for main load sequence
* WiiU culling cpu optimisation + fix for Modifiable lockbuffer return code.
* WiiU bug fix for incorrect texcoord input name for instanced rendering
* WiiU: Set 'char' to default as signed for consistency across platforms
* Billboard shader fix for WiiU (second attempt!)
* Some tweaks to transmission wobble
* Completed trajectory filter. Added transmission wobble
* WIP for Trajectory filter, now added to AI and chase cam's.
* SimApp corrected (excluding lit particles cpp files from build)
* Rain and snow particles lighting
* WTC and texture edits for rain particle lighting tech additions
* Lighting shaders adapted for lit particles rendering - using/omitting normal vs light-dir diffuse level
* Mercedes SLS GT3: Physics and setup changes for CPFT week 4. GT Slick - Greenflash gets a new experimental grip mix
* Pagani Zonda R: Yet another default setup adjustment
* 'Personal Best' renamed 'Session Best' on telemetry screen
Pit Stategy:
* Added Pit Strategy strings
* Volusia: New export
* Ford MkIV: Added 4 real liveries

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Build 538 (13/8/13, Team Member+)
* WiiU RVM uses small deferred rendertargets
* WiiU - support for loading textures as linear, non-swizzled : required for CPU readable colourcubes
* ColourCube loading and blending fixed for WiiU
* Fix HDR motion-blur and lit particles for WiiU
* WiiU: Moved assert break to after print whilst it is w-i-p to show assert string in TTY
* Added new controller set "PC Keyboard"
* Removed co-existance of keyboard & mouse steering
* Fixed another missing renderthread parameter in the RVM rendering
* Fix for Visibility Sampling not honouring the render-thread (caused crash on track load with DX11MT)
* Disabled adaptive FFB in default tweaker until we get it working better (i.e. varying less during a session)
* Increased version of Kart_01
* Dropped Kart_01 stats
* Remove unused motionblurmap from hudglass
* A new Zakspeed Capri Turbo external engine set, plus an AI version. The incar version is next and "may" be finished by the end of the week. This external engine set is from trackside recordings and has good structure and character throughout the whole RPM range using many samples. Also includes the latest sound events such as int/ext gearshifts, backfires/splutters and distant based effects, trajectory and roll-offs. There is a new set of turbo sounds but the whole turbo logic is not well (putting it kindly) and needs looking at by the code and physics crews. The external gear shifts and backfires now have a better distance roll-off and occlusion effects. This car is a bit of a testbed in many areas (trajectory, distance roll-offs, turbo etc)
* Derby National/GP: Further fixes and updates on inner terrain, new exclusion map added to avoid grass growing on kerbs, added Jans latest, added track edges on side roads edited tyrewall textures to look less flat
* Volusia: New textures
* Memphis: Fixed nmp issue
* Azure Circuit: New textures
* Ford Focus: All new Wipers LODX/A/B/CPIT. New Wipers animations and mask. Updated Windows and Windshield materials. Fixed UV4 Glass mapping. - LODC Windows (black glass) Boot was using misc material. Changed to Windows and remapped

Build 537 (12/8/13, Team Member+)
* Fix for transmission audio load not being set
* Debug menu command added to reset the current calendar date
* Framework added for saving career progress (date saving will be available once UI supports it), with support for multiple savegames
* Hooked up Pit Strategy screens to be functional
* Added controller text
* WiiU minor fix - remove lit particles target from Mem1
* Updated string tests and add BUniString versions
* 64 bit: Added ConvertUtf8toBUnichar and ConvertBUnichartoUtf8 to handle differences in wchar_t size across platforms
* 64 bit: Updated BUniString To/From Utf8 helpers to use new conversion functions to fix bug when wchar_t is 4 bytes
* Tires: adjusted Kart default setup
* Tires and Kart: FlexiCarcass details, another round of Kart updates
* Derby National/GP: Fixed grass exclusions to avoid having grass growing on curbs
* Volusia: New textures and export

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Build 540 (15/8/13, Team Member+)
Pit Engineer:
* Pit Engineer determine when tyre change or tyre inflation is deemed necessary
* Fixes for driver AI and physics tweaker HRDF files. Now load in place. This fixes 64 bit issues when loading these files
* Fixed VS2010 miscompiling 64-bit ints casted to 32-bit being still passed as 8 bytes in vararg
* Fixed issues with connecting to online games
* Changes to stop windows versions of generic primitives compiling on other platforms
* dx9 and dx11 rendering implementations for GenericPrimitives
* Added double sided translucent technique to basic_translucent runtime shader
* Lighting shader amendments required for spotlight to work with shadows disabled
* A new Zakspeed Capri Turbo incar engine set. So you still prefer the old one...well this one is in stereo, and from a higher quality recording. The sound is more detailed and less saturated - but - I wanted to match the ferocity of the set that may people liked. There is a new WIP layer of exhaust/chassis vibration that kicks in around 5000RPM and out 6000 and back in at 9000. Some very subtle offload exhaust rumbles as well around 7000 downwards. NOW...read this carefully...the turbo is still broken so I've done the old trick of hanging a dump sound at the beginning of the highest offload sample just for a bit of fun. Note, Fmod works differently to the ISI based system; so to get it to dump you have to hit the offhigh sample coming in from another, so either the limiter sample from above it or the sample below it. As I said this is just for a bit of fun until the turbo logic is in better shape and then I'll replace the offhigh sample with the correct one. I've eazed up on the distance occlusion (so less muffled) and opened the exit of the trajectory a tad more. This car remains a testbed in the distance stuff. It has zero distance dsp echo or reverb as I'm getting ready to test another approach to this
* Volusia: Add new textures for second stands and extend platform
* Ford MkIV: Added correct GoodYear tires
* Lotus 98T: Added a new tire as default to test a more realistic grip level
* Mercedes 190E Evo2: Fixed cockpit center camera

Build 539 (14/8/13, Team Member+)
* Added name entry & warning dialogs to the Pit Strategy screens. Fixed a couple of issues in the GUI dialogs, and made the active strategy always top of the list
* Fixes for x64 compile and link
* Base implementation for Generic Prim types
* Added in code to the renderer to allow us to be able to add references to materials and generic buffers
* Volusia: Add new textures for floodlights, update ao map and volusia logo (for volusia track), new textures
* Dubai: New exports
* BMW M3 E30 Gr.A: Major physics update to get everything more accurate. New flash+modal tire to go with it.
* Ford Focus RS: Added support for custom liveries, minor bug fixes
* BMW M3 GT4: Livery fixes

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Build 541 (16/8/13, Team Member+)
Steam-based multiplayer WIP:
* Game session manager can now work in "JavaDS" or "Steam" mode. Steam functionality not implemented yet
* Added skinning support to Engine shader (used for drawing objects with over-rides, e.g. for debugging performance issues)
* New bodywork shaders with base layer support, to give artists more flexibility with liveries
* Volusia: Add nmp and spec txt for panels and add ao textures for second stand, polish dif txt
* Mitsubishi Lancer: Fixed CPIT carbon material, Added AO and cockpit animations
* Ford MkIV: Added Liveries 5/6

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Build 545 (21/8/13, Team Member+)
* Tires: (simple) gravel handling, but good enough to improve kart, better collision info for STM -- Kart: improved heating, improved handling, especially power exits
* Volusia: New textures
* Ford MkIV: Removed Ford logos from fictional liveries
* Ford MkIV: Added Liveries 9/10
* RUF RGT8: Fixed engine badge
* Mercedes SLS: Added ambient occlusion to LODs and cockpit
* Lotus 98T: Turned turbo down to 'race' boost for testing
* BMW M3 E30 Group A: Tire change to give approximately double the previous camber thrust.
* BMW M3 E30 Group A: Added LODs, added damage to chassis, fixed minor bugs
* BMW M3 E30 Group A: Added data for LODX

Build 544 (20/8/13, Team Member+)
Pit Stops:
* Player requested pit stops
* Fixed race crashing with more than 0 AI
* Pit Strategy menu option now in correct menu order
* Eifelwald: Textures edited
* Ford Focus RS: Fixed UV mapping issues

Build 543 (20/8/13, Team Member+)
* Disable the HUD FFB meter updating if not rendering
* Remove material audio sound info post-load resetting now HRDF compiler set defaults correctly
Steam-based multiplayer WIP:
* Finished session create - all of attributes, host member details and session state are now correctly set in Steam lobby data and notified to the game. Creating a new multiplayer game on Steam now works correctly (but nothing else can be done with it yet)
* dx9 and dx11 fixes for x64
* Fix for multi-matrix alignment in X64
Pit Stops:
* Scheduled / Unscheduled pitstops
* Added player-requested-pit strings to the db
* Dubai: Fixed floating mesh issue at nat/gp/club/junction, added/modified seats at end of start finish straight tribune/added proper starting gate banner, blocked left side big tribune sky gaps/ added double safety markings in pitlane, added winners podium , added winners podest, remapped/textured pitwall/added gates left of start/finish straight, added grid markings and start line, started adding proper materials in the areas where are tiled stones in RL and only asphalt in game currently, added proper highway signage, added 6 lanes of highway, added cricket stadium in background
* Ruf RGT8: External textures/mapping complete, material setup, lights setup, lightglow billboards updated, user flags set/checked etc
* Ford Focus RS: Animation files with wipers

Build 542 (19/8/13, Team Member+)
* Scribe: Increased internal buffer size to prevent overflow
* Scribe: Fixed vsprops issue where dbg prop files were being include in rel/gld on some platforms
* Render: Fixed compile error on gcc based compilers
* Physics: Fixed injection in x64 configs
* Physics: More fixes for code that made incorrect assumptions about the sizeof(long)
* Fix for particle system BB in x64
* Reverts ptr list change in x64 now that scenegraph data is correctly padded
* Fix for x64 fiber name masking. Fix for small job system X64 dma list size calcs. Also adjusts param setting to use u64 ptr for both x86/x64
* Fix for atomic pointer swap in x64
* Added round to long on x64
* Added check for x86 struct size.
* Fix for memory allocation for IRenderables in x86
* Added 64 bit support for BB calc
* Added support for u64 type, also added non-interp ptr type
* HRDF updates for 64 bit alignment
Crash Fixes:
* Fix for crash is leaderboards is zero
* Fix for crash if invalid camera selected before transition
Steam-based multiplayer WIP:
* Started working on Steam-based session management - create new lobbies. Initial state and attribute setup are pushed to lobby data
* Started on host-side management of new players joining lobbies
Lap Times:
* Only submit lap time to leaderboard when query to game mode data bool returns true
* Submit fastest lap times to leaderboards in Free Practice
* Added RaceManager toggle to control leaderboard submit based upon game mode. Enabled in Time Trial only
* Bumped version of all vehicles for Monday's stat reset
Pit Stops:
* Added scheduled pit stop text
* Azure Circuit: Quick brightness fix, and new textures
* Volusia: New textures. Improved outer fencing with correct shape
* Eifelwald: New export
* Mitsubishi Lancer: CPIT center mirror fix
* Ford MkIV: Added Liveries 7/8

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