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Simracing.GP ITALIA by DrivingItalia - TUTORIAL


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Come prima cosa leggete le nostre FAQ 👈

1 - Per accedere al sistema SimracingGP e partecipare a gare e tornei di DrivingItalia, dovete essere INVITATI da noi, quindi comunicateci una vostra email

2 - dopo aver ricevuto la mail di benvenuto da SimracingGP, andate al link https://beta.simracing.gp e seguite la procedura per collegare al sistema il vostro profilo Steam di gioco

3 - all'ingresso vi trovate in questa pagina: c'è il vostro profilo pilota con le statistiche, l'elenco delle community e, scorrendolo, dovete fare click su "DrivingItalia"


4 - dentro la community DrivingItalia, sotto la voce EVENTS trovate l'elenco di tutte le gare (singole e di campionato) in programma


5 - per partecipare ad una gara bisogna prima iscriversi: fate click sull'immagine dell'evento, poi fate click su CHOOSE per selezionare la vettura e quindi iscrivervi; iscrivendovi ad una gara di campionato, sarete iscritti in automatico anche a tutte le gare di campionato.
In questa schermata trovate anche molte informazioni, come la password di accesso ed il nome del server


6 - una gara ed il server saranno attivati solo se ci saranno almeno 4 iscritti all'evento; il server si chiude in automatico se entro i primi 10 minuti dall'apertura non entrano utenti

7 - nel giorno ed all'orario PRECISO indicato per l'inizio delle prove libere dell'evento (il server NON è visibile prima dell'ora indicata!), aprite come al solito il gioco e nella lista server cercate "drivingitalia", entrate nel server usando la password

8 - ATTENZIONE: avete solo 10 minuti di tempo, dall'inizio delle prove libere dell'evento, per poter accedere al server, passati i quali NON potrete più entrare!
Esempio: le prove libere dell'evento iniziano alle ore 21,30, quindi ENTRO le ore 21,40 dovete accedere

9 - dopo la gara potrete controllare le vostre statistiche ed anche quelle della gara, anche le statistiche di campionato se si trattava di  un torneo

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You can now join your @AC_assettocorsa events directly from http://Simracing.GP
We have pushed a new update allowing drivers to join the Assetto Corsa events directly from the platform allowing a quick transistion from pre-race to on track!


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SimracingGP DrivingItalia: campionati e ranking gratis per tutti, oltre 2300 piloti iscritti ! Nuovo ranking v1.5


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LICENZE https://www.simracing.gp/tutorials/how-sgp-driver-licences-work-a-complete-guide-for-sim-racers

How SGP Driver Licences Work: A Complete Guide for Sim Racers

If you are a sim racer who wants to join online races on Simracing.GP (SGP), you need to know how SGP driver licences work. SGP driver licences are a way of measuring your ability to race safely on the track. They also help you find races that match your level and preferences. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about SGP driver licences:

What are SGP Driver Licences and Why Do They Matter?

SGP driver licences are a system that shows your ability to race safely and competitively on SGP. They are based on your performance and behavior in ranked races, which are official races that count towards your licence level and score. Your licence level and score reflect how well you can avoid incidents, such as collisions, spins, off-tracks, or penalties. The higher your licence level and score, the more skilled and safe you are as a sim racer.

SGP driver licences matter because they affect your racing experience on SGP. They determine which races you can join or create, as well as which drivers you can race with or against. For example, if you have a high licence level and score, you can join or create races that require a high minimum licence level or score. You can also race with or against drivers who have a similar or higher licence level or score. This way, you can enjoy more challenging and fair races with drivers who respect the rules and each other.

Which Sim Racing Games Support SGP Driver Licences and How Are They Different?

SGP driver licences are supported for three sim racing games currently: Assetto Corsa Competizione (ACC), Assetto Corsa (AC), and RaceRoom Racing Experience (R3E). Each game has its own set of SGP driver licences, because each game provides different data on incidents on track. For example, ACC has more detailed data on incidents than AC or R3E, such as contact time, contact force, contact location, etc. Therefore, the incident points for each game are calculated differently based on their incident data. Different incident types also have different weights depending on their severity and impact.SGP driver licences will also support Automobilista 2 (AMS2) in the future.

What are the Levels and Scores of SGP Driver Licences and How Are They Calculated?

SGP driver licences have five levels: Rookie, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Each level has a licence score from 0 to 10. The licence score is calculated from the ratio of total turn count to game incident points. The total turn count is the number of turns you have completed in ranked races. The game incident points are the sum of the weighted incident points you have accumulated in ranked races. The higher your total turn count and the lower your game incident points, the higher your licence score.

The licence score is calculated from the latest races only, not from all your races. This means that when you reach a certain number of turns in ranked races, your earlier race data will be dropped from the calculations. This way, your licence score reflects your current skill and safety level, not your past performance.

The number of turns required to drop earlier race data depends on your licence level. The higher your licence level, the more turns you need to complete to drop earlier race data.
The number of incident points required to lower or raise your licence score also depends on your licence level. The higher your licence level, the fewer incident points you can afford to lose or gain per turn.

How Can You Improve or Lose Your SGP Driver Licence Level and Score?

You can improve or lose your SGP driver licence level and score by participating in ranked races on SGP. Ranked races are races that have at least eight drivers on the grid and are eligible for licence changes. You can join or create ranked races on SGP using the race browser or the race creator.

You can improve your SGP driver licence level and score by completing more turns and avoiding more incidents in ranked races. The more turns you complete and the fewer incidents you have, the higher your licence score will be. When your licence score reaches 8 or more and you have completed at least five ranked races at your current licence level, you will advance to the next licence level.

You can lose your SGP driver licence level and score by completing fewer turns and having more incidents in ranked races. The fewer turns you complete and the more incidents you have, the lower your licence score will be. When your licence score reaches 0 or less and you have completed at least five ranked races at your current licence level, you will drop to the previous licence level.

The only exception to this rule is the Rookie licence level. The Rookie licence level is for newcomers who are new to sim racing or SGP. When you join SGP for the first time, you will start with a Rookie licence level and a licence score of 5. When you improve your licence score to 8 or more and complete at least five ranked races at the Rookie level, you will advance to the Bronze level. However, once you reach the Bronze level, you will not drop back to the Rookie level, even if your licence score reaches 0. The Bronze level will be the lowest level for experienced drivers.

Which Races Contribute to Your SGP Driver Licence?

Any race that is ranked and has at least 8 drivers on the track. All Simracing.GP communities can organise races that contribute to driver licences. Community admins can choose what licence levels are allowed when setting up races or championships. They can set different licence levels for car classes in multiclass races.

What are the Future Plans for SGP Driver Licences?

SGP driver licences are a work in progress and will be updated and improved in the future. Some of the future plans for SGP driver licences are:

•  Adding a Black licence level that will have special requirements and benefits for elite sim racers.
•  Adding more features and options for SGP driver licences, such as viewing your licence history, etc.
•  Adding more feedback and guidance for SGP driver licences, such as showing your incident points breakdown, giving tips on how to improve your licence, providing tutorials on how to use SGP driver licences, etc.

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