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Live for Speed: si lavora sulla grafica con effetti sorprendenti...


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Dopo il rilascio dell'ultima versione 0.6T del software, il team di Live for Speed continua lo sviluppo del simulatore, sia sul fronte dell'ottimizzazione del multiplayer che su quello del miglioramento grafico, con risultati quasi sbalorditivi!

In the August progress report we talked about the new shadows and lighting system and showed pictures of the updates on the Blackwood track. This month you can see some screenshots of the Rockingham track, including real vs virtual comparisons, and a few pictures of shadows working with moving objects and the layout editor. Read the whole report on the Graphics Progress Report: Rockingham page.

We have been working on graphics most of the time since early 2017 and we can now show you some of the results. You will instantly notice the the new detailed shadows and shine on the road surfaces. Looking around, you will start to see that many more surfaces have some sort of shine level.






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In the August and September progress reports we talked about the new shadows and lighting system and showed pictures of the updates on the Blackwood and Rockingham tracks. All our tracks must be updated to use the new lighting system and some older tracks need more changes to bring them up to date. Aston is one of them and is the subject of this month's report. Eric has made various adjustments to the track and tightened some of the bends while keeping the original flow. We hope you enjoy the pictures!

live for speed.jpg

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Dopo il rilascio dell'ultima versione 0.6T del software, il team di Live for Speed continua lo sviluppo del simulatore, sia sul fronte dell'ottimizzazione del multiplayer che su quello del miglioramento grafico, con risultati quasi sbalorditivi! L'ultima novità che ci mostrano gli sviluppatori è rappresentata dal nuovo sistema di luci ed ombre, che è possibile apprezzare nell'update relativo al tracciato autocross appena aggiornato.

We have been working on graphics for some time now. A new lighting system allows more varied and realistic surface properties and we have a new shadow system. All tracks must be updated to take advantage of the new features.
This month we have taken some screenshots at the Autocross track, featuring the large car park, skid pad and drag strip. In the open configuration you can now drive between all areas using connecting roads and there is an extended car park beside the original Autocross area.
Read the whole report on the Graphics Progress Report: Autocross page.

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Dopo il rilascio dell'ultima versione 0.6T del software, il team di Live for Speed continua lo sviluppo del simulatore, sia sul fronte dell'ottimizzazione del multiplayer che su quello del miglioramento grafico, con risultati quasi sbalorditivi! L'ultima novità che ci mostrano gli sviluppatori è rappresentata dal nuovo sistema di luci ed ombre, che è possibile apprezzare nell'update relativo al tracciato di Westhill appena aggiornato.

Hello Racers, for this month's progress report we will show you some images of the updated Westhill track. As Westhill is one one of our more modern track areas, it didn't need to be reworked as heavily as some of the others. Textures have been updated to take advantage of the new lighting system, new 3D kerbs have been added and there are various scenery updates around the track. Read the whole report on the Graphics Progress Report: Westhill page.

LFS Developers

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  • 3 months later...

Prosegue il lavoro di miglioramento grafico di Live for Speed


Hello Racers,
As many of you know from the forum and Twitter, Eric has been working on Kyoto and Scawen has been working on a new lighting system. In this month's progress report we would like to show you some of the work in progress and talk a bit about the lighting. The Kyoto track is not yet finished. There is still more detail to be completed and holes to fill, but we thought you would like to see how it is coming along.



lfs 1.jpg


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La precedente relazione sui progressi compiuti in ambito grafico per Live for Speed riguardava gli aggiornamenti di Kyoto e il nuovo sistema di illuminazione. Da allora, Scawen ha lavorato di più sull'illuminazione, mentre Eric ha continuato a lavorare su Kyoto prima e poi su South City, che non è ancora pronto per essere mostrato. Inizialmente il piano del team era di aggiornare minimamente le aree della pista esistenti per farle funzionare bene con la nuova illuminazione e le ombre, ma poi si è deciso di applicare aggiornamenti approfonditi per portarli a uno standard più moderno. Come vedete dalle immagini e dal video di anteprima, ne è valsa decisamente la pena...

Our previous progress report was about the Kyoto updates and the new lighting system. Since then, Scawen has done more work on the lighting which may be interesting for some readers. Eric continued with Kyoto for some time. He has now moved onto South City, which isn't yet ready to show but we can show you some more pictures from Kyoto.
Originally the plan was to minimally update the existing track areas to make them work well with the new lighting and shadows. But some of the tracks were very old and Eric wanted to do extensive updates to bring them up to a more modern standard.
Read the whole report on the Graphics Progress Report: Lighting research page.






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ma come fanno a campare sti microsviluppatori? non è un insulto eh, ma un gioco di poco successo in piu in un settore di nicchia non capisco il senso di portarlo avanti e con quali risorse 🤨

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  • 2 months later...

L'ultima relazione sui progressi compiuti in ambito grafico per Live for Speed riguardava gli aggiornamenti di Kyoto e il nuovo sistema di illuminazione. Da allora, Scawen ha lavorato di più sull'illuminazione, mentre Eric ha continuato a lavorare su Kyoto prima e poi su South City. Inizialmente il piano del team era di aggiornare minimamente le aree della pista esistenti per farle funzionare bene con la nuova illuminazione e le ombre, ma poi si è deciso di applicare aggiornamenti approfonditi per portarli a uno standard più moderno.

Oggi Scawen ci mostra con alcuni video ed immagini i notevoli progressi compiuti nell'ambito della transizione grafica dal giorno alla notte.


We aren't ready for a full progress report but thought we could say a few words and show you a few things. Eric has been continuing with South City. It's a long job and he has worked more on the roads than the buildings so far. At this point he would rather wait until more buildings are done before showing screen shots.
I've been working on the sky darkness, automatic exposure and white balance that became necessary with the use of the realtime generated skies. The lighting is now separated into lights that are always on and others that only come on at night. I increased the possible intensity of lighting to allow floodlights to work.
I worked on a system to allow us to use realistic camera exposure settings to allow comparisons with photographs from digital cameras. In a manual exposure mode I can now set the ISO, f-stop and shutter speed. It is interesting to see the massive variation in the brightness and therefore the exposure required for a night shot and a day shot. For example a shot taken in street lighting may require around 4000 times the exposure compared with a day shot. A more extreme example is the difference between moonlight and sunlight. The sun is 400 thousand times brighter than a full moon, yet our eyes can adapt to see quite well at those extremes.
I haven't had to make LFS adapt so much but it does have to deal with bright sunlight down to typical street lighting scenes. There is more to be done and the lighting is far from perfect. Anyway I hope you like the attached screenshots and the youtube videos.






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On 8/2/2019 at 10:54 PM, Lucio Distilleri said:

ma come fanno a campare sti microsviluppatori? non è un insulto eh, ma un gioco di poco successo in piu in un settore di nicchia non capisco il senso di portarlo avanti e con quali risorse 🤨

concordo, aggiungo che hanno commesso il grave errore all epoca di non osare e magari realizzare una partnership con qualche software house importante tale da avere adeguati fondi e fare il balzo, invece hanno proseguito con pacchetti e licenze poco competitive rispetto a sim dell epoca come rFactor o Nkpro 

un vero peccato perché era un sim con grandi potenzialità ...

Edited by Gambero
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Dopo averci mostrato il lavoro svolto finora riguardo il ciclo giorno e notte, il team di Live for Speed torna a farsi sentire per mostrarci con immagini e video i notevoli progressi grafici messi in opera per svariati circuiti.

In our July progress report we talked about the realtime sky that allows day to night transitions and showed screenshots of the Kyoto track area. Since then, Eric has been working on South City and Scawen has continued with the lighting. More roads have been opened up and you can drive into the multistorey car parks. Road surfaces, fences, barriers, objects and various buildings have been updated. There is still a way to go but we would like to show you some of the changes so far.


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