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ACFL Apex Modding F1 2018 Season mod


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confermo che la beta fosse decisamente meglio della 1.0 inoltre ancora non rispondono alla richiesta di risarcimento attraverso paypal

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Provocatoria ma nemmeno troppo...

Io non ho il mod, ma dalle vostre parole mi pare si possa dire che fa il paio con l'attuale condizione della F1...direi che il mod è "adeguato"

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Comme je l'ai annoncé sur le site, forum / facebook
1/ le client va obtenir une mise à jour si il attends
2/ demander une échange de version RF2 -> AC
3/ Remboursement en faisant une demande par MAIL à acflsupport@free.fr (numéro de commande obligatoire).

Par contre je n'aime pas les mensonges, j'ai accepter toutes les demandes de remboursement sans exceptions, APEX a en charge le mod version RF2, ACFL juste la distribution.
Désormais ACFL aide APEX à tout corriger car sur AC nous avons aucun problème 3D / 2D ou physiques.

Je veux bien accepter toutes les critiques, mais lire qu'on fait les sourds et qu'on rembourse pas c'est faux.

Donc si c'est vrai que vous avez fait la demande, refaite là en envoyant bien votre mail à acflsupport@free.fr avec votre numéro de commande RF2 et vous le serait dans les 24h grand maximum.

ACFL souhaite que tous ses clients soient satisfaits et puisse jouer sans avoir de problème.
Durant la période BETA personne et je dis bien personne n'a poster de bugs ou soucis sur facebook ou sur le forum officiel... comment voulez vous qu'ACFL soit au courant des problèmes si on leur signale pas ?

ACFL (normalement) ne roule pas sur RF2 (j'ai arrêter le modding sur rf2 en 2013 avec le mod FLigue013 en novembre 2013 et je viens de relancer le jeu pour la première fois depuis cette année là.

J'enchaine les tours, les modifications sur le mod pour que tout fonctionne pour les clients qui souhaitent obtenir cette mise à jour, les autres 2 solutions, échange entre rf2 et AC ou remboursement sans condition.

Salutions et merci de m'avoir lu.

Sorry bad english...

Good evening,
As I announced on the site, forum / facebook
1 / the client will get an update if he is waiting
2 / request an exchange version RF2 -> AC
3 / Refund by making a request by MAIL to acflsupport@free.fr (order number required).

By cons I do not like lies, I accept all claims without exception, APEX has supported the mod version RF2, ACFL just the distribution.
Now ACFL helps APEX to correct everything because on AC we have no problem 3D / 2D or physical.

I do not mind accepting all the criticisms, but to read that we are deaf and that we do not pay back is false.

So if it is true that you have made the request, redo there by sending your email to acflsupport@free.fr with your RF2 order number and you would be within 24 hours maximum.

ACFL wants all its customers to be satisfied and able to play without any problem.
During the BETA period nobody and I mean nobody has posted bugs or concerns on facebook or on the official forum ... how do you want ACFL to be aware of the problems if they are not notified?

ACFL (normally) does not roll on RF2 (I stopped the modding on rf2 in 2013 with the mod FLigue013 in November 2013 and I just restart the game for the first time since that year.

I do my best to offer my experience in physics APEX because I never had a bad return on my physics, it pleases or it does not like but never in a negative way in the sense that nothing works.
Read the comments on the AC version and you will see that we have been pretty good.
The only difference is that on RF2 we can do nothing hybrid engine ... so we work differently.

Saluti e grazie 

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are you kidding me ? I've request Refund via  paypal but I haven't yet got it .

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xxxxxxxx a accepté votre offre. Un remboursement de 7,99 EUR sera envoyé directement sur le compte PayPal de xxxxxxx Ce problème a été résolu et clos.

Moi c'est le seul que je paypal encore, tu devrais contacter paypal car chez nous tout va bien

Je ne suis pas un menteur, alors vérifiez


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you refunded me just few hours ago .I asked for it about 5 day ago and I get it just because I blamed you didn't it ....so thank you ...please delete my name from your post or i will ask to mods to do that .




please delete my name from your post or i will ask to mods to do that .

Edited by jakobdylan
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presi in castagna infatti ho ricevuto anche io il rimborso solo poche ore fa visto che non gli conveniva ,gli ho scritto che gli avrei segnalato tutti i loro mod alla fia e alla codemaster, purtroppo questo è l'unico modo di trattare con persone del genere .


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do not say anything, you can denounce acfl to the FIA or codemasters (since 2013 many people have) and we are always open and there is a good reason.
We do things in the rules and you do not have to know how (the best magicians never explain their turn).

About paypal, when I receive a request by email, it's simple I just click on a button and it's automatic.
I do not go on paypal to send the money, everything is done by the official website all alone automatically.
I received 6 refund request and 2 exchange in 1 week ... all were processed within 1 hour.
If paypal takes time to transfer money I am not responsible for this delay.
the money is on the account, they only have to use, I do not block any transaction.

no one threatened me to refer to the FIA or codemaster on paypal or email.
so you lie.

Why ? I do not understand....

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.....l'utente jakobdylan ha chiaramente dimostrato tramite gli screen esattamente il contrario di quello che dici....quando fai un rimborso attraverso paypal avviene in maniera immeddiata tu 'hai fatto solo dopo numerosi richiami .Visto che te la sei cercata segnalerò tutti i tuoi mod alla FIA e Codemaster cosi vediamo sei i tuoi trucchi da commediante funzionano.  Chiedere 10 euro per un mod del genere è davvero scandaloso.

Edited by Rain Basler
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Confermo quanto mostrato sopra ricevuto rimborso solo dopo 5 giorni la richiesta posso mostrare anche gli screen delle loro risposte sulla contestazione aperta .Forse per ripicca hanno cancellato dal mio account sul loro store anche la versione di f1 2018 per assetto corsa oltre a quello per RF2 mi aspetto a breve che lo facciano anche con gli altri mod che ho preso da loro .Non credo che subirò una grande perdità LOL.


Ho appena controllato e mi hanno rimborsato anche per la versione di AC (anche quest'ultima di una qualità a dir poco imbarazzante) anche se non ho fatto alcuna richiesta visto che almeno funzionava.Mai vista tanta disorganizzazione .In pratica fanno tutto il contrario di quello che devano fare .Pazzesco.

Edited by jakobdylan
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