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RacingCUBE (piattaforma dinamica)


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Vi segnalo questo interessante progetto di piattaforma dinamica approdato su Kickstarter


We are capable of manufacturing a high performance motion platform at a fraction of the cost of other motion platforms. In other words, it's affordable. Our motion platform has features and properties only found in far more expensive motion systems. It has an extremely high performance/price ratio, compact size, more than 360 degree of rotation, adjustable center of rotation, and optional sway and surge function. The design of the RacingCUBE is therefore unique, not only in its ability to rotate around its own axis, but also because of the third actuator which gives you the opportunity to add one of four other forces to the simulation. You can change the settings as you like, which means that you can have a really smooth ride or get the feeling of riding on the rim, and you get a good knock when hitting another car or the guardrail.

The idea behind only selling the RacingCUBE base, is we know there’s a lot of you having wheel and pedals and it is easily mounted on the RacingCUBE

As you can see above our prototype is done. It has been tested intensively for the past six months and our goal is to make it as cheap as possible by manufacturing it in large quantities. We're confident that our product is well designed and tested thoroughly.


The key element in the RacingCUBE is three (RC3) very fast servo actuators.

Fast actuators is the single most important element in making a racing simulator. The elements for the servo actuator is specially chosen to provide maximum performance without the need of bolting the simulator to the floor. The gear is a steel worm drive and by carefully calibrating the actuator's controller, we have made a strong and very responsive high performance servo motor. It is so responsive that it makes you feel the smallest bump and the slightest road texture.


When you use the RacingCUBE the first time start with the low powered car (Tommy did in the vid). If you start with a high powered F1 racer you will most likely lose control (he did that too).


For simulating a vehicle, its rotation is incredibly important, and with rotation you instantly feel when you lose traction. When you're driving a car that's sliding all over, it's the rotation that tells when you lose traction. It gives a realistic sense of feeling, and makes it possible to drive the car to its limit.

The RC3 can provide a perfect one-to-one ratio between vehicle rotation and simulator rotation. The RC3 gives you 600 degrees of rotation, but the standard setting is 360 degree to prevent it from winding up the cable.

With the parallel wheel configuration, the center of rotation is between the wheels. That means you are sitting in front of the center of rotation, and it will not only rotate your body, but drag it in the opposite direction of the rotation. That means it makes both the yaw and sway effect at the same time.

The configuration with inclined wheels set the center of rotation at the RC3's center pivot. It means you have the center of rotation directly beneath you, and you are only feeling the rotation.
the naked rig where you can see the different features of the motion platform.

RacingCUBE Specs

Pitch 15 deg. -------------------------------- 60deg. / Sec.
Roll 20 deg. --------------------------------- 80 deg. /Sec.
Yaw Parallel config.) 300 deg. ---------- 120 deg. / Sec
Yaw (Inclined config.) 359 deg. --------- 180 deg. /Sec.
- Max recommended load. 130 kg.
- Power: 120/240v.
- Power consumption: max 360W.
- Turning radius: 105/150 cm.
- Dimensions: 40/85/150 cm.
- Shipping weight: Approx. 40 - 50 kg.
The idea behind only selling the RacingCUBE base, is we know there is a lot of you having wheel, pedals and seat and it is easily mounted on the RacingCUBE.
In the videos we used the free racing simulation software provided by Live for Speed : www.lfs.net

Dedicated Software

The RacingCUBE is controlled by dedicated motion control software, that’ll ensure you get the best possible experience and we’re able to keep you up to date with new plugins and updates.

RC3-x3: 3DOF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RC2-x3: 2DOF
Optional seat - Fancy T-Shirt
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  • 3 weeks later...

Quando va in f1 sembra su un motoscafo da competizione.  :doh:  :hihi:

Però questa postazione con sistema di movimento un po' mi gasa... 

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quindi il prodotto senza sedile, 3 dof, con supporto triplo monitor e spedizione in italia..... 2200 euro circa?

poteva andare peggio.... ma anche un pochino meglio!!!! :doh:  sono over budget, ma sembra avere del potenziale l'aggeggio.

ma gli altri che hanno o hanno costruito postazioni di movimento.... che ne pensate ?  (anche la concorrenza potrebbe esprimere qualche "considerazione/parere")

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la zona motori mi sembra ben fatta e dimensionata, anche come forcella sul motoriduttore, ma la rotazione non ha senso,  tu sei praticamente al centro e non ricevi forze ma vedi solo il mondo attorno a te girare e con quegli schermetti secondo me stai piu male che bene, la struttura superiore invece mi sembra troppo misera, molto sottodimensionata, e i monitor secondo me se ne vanno da tutte le parti.

poi manca un cenno al software usato per comandare movimento e input, bella la scenetta del movimento ma per convincere investitori in quel settore dove ormai chiunque lo fa da se serve la ciliegina sulla torta!

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sulla struttura superiore e sul fatto di essere al centro e girare.... sono molto d'accordo.

qui mancano un paio di ciliege!

con le periferiche un po' più "pesanti" dubito che il piano superiore possa "reggere" il confronto....

con l'oculus forse......il discorso monitor si attenua....

ma anche i movimenti mi sembrano un po' troppo amplificati.....

sicuramente a livello di ingombri..... prende il giusto spazio! :-)

vediamo se e come si sviluppa st'idea e se verrano fuori altri dettagli.

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progetto facilmente riproducibile, elettronica e motori semplici da reperire e di basso basso costo, software di gestione free per uso non commerciale questo è quello che si vede in alcuni video.....

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