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MaxTM - telemetry tool for GPB, MXB, WRS and KRP


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MaxTM is a telemetry tool for GPB, MXB, WRS and KRP: it allows to display graphs of the telemetry data exposed by GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP. It has two main components:

  • A GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP plugin: in charge to generate the telemetry data files.
  • A viewer application: in charge of displaying graphically the telemetry files saved by the plugin.

DOWNLOAD v1.17:  <<-- THIS if for GPB beta13, WRS beta12, KRP rel4 and MXB beta7


  • Download the archive from the link above and extract it somewhere. Inside the main folder you should have 4 extra folders: one for the plugin(s), one for the viewer and 2 folders with sample data.
  • Take the viewer folder (MaxTM_Viewer-vX.Y) and the 2 sample foders and put them somewhere (Desktop, Documents, wherever you have write rights). DON'T PUT THEM IN Program Files OR SIMILAR. The viewer is a portable app: it does not write anything in the registry, it requires no installation (in the Windows sense) and it won't ask you if you want to install a stupid toolbar.
  • Now run the viewer application (MaxTM_Viewer.exe and check it starts without issues. If it complains for missing dlls, you may need to install  Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package (x86): once you press Download, select the x86 version "vcredist_x86.exe".
  • If you want to generate telemetry data from GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP you have to install the plugin: in the plugin folder (MaxTM_Plugin-vX.Y) you have 4 .dlo files (one each for GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP) and a folder named MaXTM_data. Just copy the appropriate .dlo and the MaXTM_data to the GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP plugins folder.
  • Restarting GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP and going to the track you should hear a heartbeat sound each time you start a run: this confirm that the telemetry logging is active.
  • You can also press 'Z' to see is if logging is currently ON or OFF, and CTRL+Z to toggle it ON/OFF. You can change the key in the .ini file of the plugin (MaxTM.ini, in the GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP data folder).
  • Telemetry log data will be saved (2 files per run) in folder MaxTM under GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP data directory (e.g. C:\Users\MaX\Documents\PiBoSo\GP Bikes).


  • The telemetry file can be relatively big if you ride a lot. Remember to clean-up the MaxTM folder from time to time.
  • If you want to disable the plugin (for whichever reason), you simply rename it from .dlo to .dlo.off (or to .pizza) or edit the .ini file of the plugin (MaxTM.ini, in the GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP data folder) and set 'active' to false.

I'll briefly describe the main features here: there is no user manual yet (and maybe there will never be one), but the viewer is not too complicate.

  • The main areas of the main window have tooltips (i.e. little text explanations that appear when you leave the mouse still on them for a while): READ THEM.
  • The main areas of the main window have tooltips (i.e. little text explanations that appear when you leave the mouse still on them for a while): READ THEM (intentional repetition)
  • Seriously, read the tooltips: in particular the ones of the graphs and track map, as they explain how to interact with the graphs using the mouse. I could resume the thing here, but if I do it then you won't read the freakin' tooltips, so I won't do it  :P
  • On most areas a context menu is available: just right-click with the mouse.
  • The worst thing you could do with the viewer is delete some telemetry file: it's not a dangerous app, don't be afraid to try things around.
  • The general idea is:
    • You can open an arbitrary number of telemetry files at the same time. Each telemetry file will appear as a Run containing some Laps.
    • On the left you have the Runs/Laps as seen via the telemetry data, along with their lap times (as seen by the telemetry).
    • On the right (in the panel named Timings you have the same Runs and more or less the same Laps, with more or less the same lap times (as seen by GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP) and their split times.
    • Telemetry lap times come in two flavours: column "Lap Time" is based on GPB/MXB/WRS/KRP timing, column "Lap Time (w)" is based on an external timer which turns out to be more precise (I think it's some sort of bug, but I have no feedback on it from Piboso).
    • The telemetry lap times should more or less match the "official" lap times (the one in the Timings panel). Small errors are normal (up to 0.1-0.2 sec I'd say), larger ones are not.
    • The number of laps between the Runs/Laps panel and the Timings panel may not be identical: typically due to not completed laps, out of pits laps and so on. It's not too hard to see which lap in Runs/Laps corresponds to which lap in Timings.
    • In Runs/Laps you can select up to 4 laps (each one has a specific color): the 1st lap you you select will be the reference lap.
    • On the right you have (by default) one Graphs panel: here you can have the telemetry data plotted. You can have multiple graphs panels.
  • In each graphs panel, using the context menu (right-click), you can:
    • customize the number of graphs (as an N by M grid) and their appearance (axis labels, tick labels).
    • customize the each individual graph: delta plot (see later on), join/mark data points, show/position the legend etc.
    • customize what to plot on each graph on the X and Y axes (the variable on the X axis is the same for all the graphs in the panel)
    • Save the current layout of the graphs panel, so that you can reload it next time.
  • Delta graphs: a delta graph is simply a graph where instead of plotting (let's say) the speed against the position on the track (centerline) of the selected laps, you plot the difference in speed between the 1st selected lap (the reference lap) and the other selected laps. So if you have 4 selecte dlaps, on a normal plot you'll have 4 lines while on a delta plot you'll have 3 lines, each of them being the speed difference between selected lap 1 and selected laps 2, 3 and 4.
  • The viewer app comes with 2 themes: the default "bright" one (almost white background) and a darker one I find very handy at night (did I told you I average 4-5hrs of sleep per day ?).
v1.17 (2018/01/23) out:
  • Updatetd for GPB beta13 (no changes for MXB, KRP and WRS).
  • TC, EB and AW signals from ECU are now logged.

fonte KRP forum



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  • 3 months later...

DOWNLOAD v1.8: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BzmU7Qoo77i1ZF8yM3VPYnBpbmc  <<-- THIS if for GPB beta6, WRS beta5 and KRP beta11


v1.8 out:

  • Updated for GPB beta6.
  • Switched to QCustomPlot 1.3beta (soved a nasty bug in TrackMap).
  • Better handling of "strange" cases (data files with diferent fields).
  • Better handling of tooltips.
  • Graph title instead of X/Y axes legends.
  • Customizable title & legend position.
  • Axes tick labels can be shown also on right/top axes and can be shown inside of the plot.
  • Various bug fixes.
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  • 2 weeks later...

v1.9 out:

  • Now works for MXB too.
  • Allow to modify selected laps colors.
  • Ideal lap time (per run) shown in Timings panel.
  • Selecting a lap in Timings panel will show the other laps times as difference to this lap.
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  • 10 months later...

nel primo post


v1.11 out:

  • Updated for GPB beta7, WRS beta7b, MXB beta3, KRP beta14.
  • IMPORTANT: telemetry files saved with older versions of MaxTM are not supported. You won't be able to open them.
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  • 11 months later...

v1.14 out:

  • Fix bug with Z/ctrl-Z not showing any string in game.
  • Fix bug on suspensions values (GPB only).
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