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KartSim: news agosto 2012


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A quick (Edit: Not very quick!) update for everyone on KartSim..

Firstly, thanks for being so patient with the release and I appreciate your support and concern about the lack of updates!

As I'm sure you're all aware, the development has taken longer than anticipated. This is largely the result of being a 1 person development team and balancing work/completing my business degree with the develop

ment of the game. This is further compounded due to the ambitious nature of the title, which introduces a highly immersive and seamless off-track experience as well as having to exceed the existing features of the competition.

The great news is the game/engine is now close to being in the public beta stage. Despite having said this before, various features took somewhat longer than previously anticipated as is the case with most tasks in game development, if you haven't implemented them previously. Since the previous update, additional tasks were also added to the now current sprint which were the result of observed usability testing and feedback from internal testing (Read: Watching people play the game to make it as playable, entertaining and easy to understand as it can be for both simulation and arcade racers and those new to the genre.)

The latest development has centred around completing these new tasks and extracting more performance from the engine so as to be able to run on lower spec hardware. I've also spent considerable time fine tuning the net code to ensure the smoothest online racing.

I understand just how much you want to play the game and nothing has more priority than allowing you all to as quickly as possible. Although many have mentioned the purpose of the beta is to allow you guys to find any bugs and tell me what works, it is much more successful when based on a beta version that has all the initial features more or less completed so you guys can find design/gameplay issues that I'm not aware of. There is an estimated 7 full weeks left for the remaining tasks of which I hope to achieve within the next 10 weeks.

A final word to those worried about KartSim being abandoned. Having dedicated nearly every day since March 2005 and most of my twenties to the game, I've resigned from and turned down many highly paid jobs as well as given up most of my social life and free time to do so. Given the opportunity cost, it is not something I have ever considered and the risk of doing so is far too high. The passion, motivation and desire to make the best racing game out there is as strong as ever; made a lot easier by just how good the game is.

Finally, an update like this would not be complete without some new screenshots which I'll put up in the hour. As much as I'd love to show you all some new gameplay footage, I can't let the competition see what we'll all be playing just yet..

Thanks once again and the wait is definitely worth it!

Zach Griffin


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"...This is largely the result of being a 1 person development team..."

"A final word to those worried about KartSim being abandoned. Having dedicated nearly every day since March 2005 and most of my twenties to the game, I've resigned from and turned down many highly paid jobs as well as given up most of my social life and free time to do so. Given the opportunity cost, it is not something I have ever considered and the risk of doing so is far too high. The passion, motivation and desire to make the best racing game out there is as strong as ever; made a lot easier by just how good the game is."

Beh, Kudos a Zach Griffin per questa sua immensa passione!

Caspita, fare tutto questo lavorone da solo (anche giudicando la qualità che si intravede dagli sceens), sembra quasi irreale.

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a "occhio" ispira parecchio... le textures, a quanto si vede nele uniche due immagini a fuoco, non sembrano di altissima qualità ma "l'amalgama" sembra buona...

Edited by BoNI
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