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Un nuovo sim ufficiale e gratuito si affaccia sul panorama dei titoli con licenza ed aperti a tutti gli appassionati: Porsche Motorsport Online godrà infatti a quanto pare della licenza della casa tedesca e, già al via della fase di beta testing limitato che partirà a fine aprile, promette di farci vivere una nuova esperienza di guida virtuale online con i bolidi Porsche ed i tracciati reali. Vedremo cosa saprà offrirci il team Automaniax...

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da Rage3D

It’s a full simulation game in development with Porsche currently and they plan on picking up other makes and licenses, it’s supposed to be a continually expanding online racing community (according to one of the devs). I was at the new Porsche boxster launch this week and they had 4 sim units set up. Was very nice and felt very good, very realistic, amazing sounds and great models. The only car available was the gt3 cup and it was on hockenheim but I was very impressed. The race had 24 cars on track at once and the graphics were quite good.

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  • 3 months later...

il rilascio del video qui sotto ha provocato grossi problemi al team di sviluppo che, a quanto sembra, ha utilizzato l'engine grafico degli Slightly Mad Studios senza i dovuti permessi....
Ian Bell: "We were in negotiations with Automaniax and the head of Porsche marketing some time back with a view to us creating a product for them. We delivered some work to them. The contracts were not signed, the agreed funds were not received and we stopped the work. We're stunned here to see our work appear there."

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che situazione... :doh:

That video is annoying to see, as it features cars that won’t be in this game and has real life sponsors that wont be in this game and has very similar if not the same content as Pcars but its available for FREE.

If SMS have licensed the engine away then we have all been duped. This is pretty outrageous. We are funding a game that SMS appear to be selling without us receiving any return. It also stinks that the leaders of PCARS are not giving us more information. I hope it’s all a misunderstanding.

aren’t we funding pCARS _the game_ (which utilizes the Madness engine), not the engine itsel

We could license our engine to anyone, WMD members don’t own it, we do. But we haven’t.

fonte forum WMD

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Praticamente è tutto ieri, dopo l'uscita del trailer degli automaniax, che si è andati avanti di supposizioni e speculazioni varie da parte degli utenti... senza che nessuno degli sviluppatori fosse in grado di chiarire la situazione.

Per fortuna alla fine è intervenuto Ian Bell in persona a chiarire le cose, perchè infatti c'era pure chi ipotizzava che la cessione del motore "Madness" a terze parti senza il consenso dei members, significasse prendere per i fondelli gli utenti del forum, quando invece gli SMS, e solo loro, sono proprietari dell'Engine e quindi possono farci ciò che vogliono, visto che noi utenti siamo coinvolti solamente nel "progetto pCARS" con tutti gli asset inerenti solo pCARS.

In ogni caso c'è da capire come può una software house come Automaniax, creare un trailer con pezzi "rubati" dal portfolio di uno sviluppatore, Darren White: http:// vimeo.com/user9911153

(il video in questione pare sia stato reso "privato" dallo sviluppatore)

E poi andare avanti con questo progetto senza permessi... come potevano pensare di passare inosservati con lo stesso engine di pCARS?

E infine... pare che abbiano 3 anni di contratto con la Porsche Motorsports, lo si vede dai loghi Automaniax in alcune vetture della Porsche Cup.

Mah! Che storia...


ieri mi sono iscritto non appena ho letto della nuova homepage del sito Automaniax... 2 ore dopo ho chiesto di essere cancellato non appena ho letto di questi casini.

In ogni caso non è possibile cambiare la password sul sito Automaniax.. quindi per chi si fosse registrato sul sito usando username e password "comuni".. per sicurezza sarebbe meglio cambiarle in quei siti dove sono identici.

Edited by delpinsky
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che figura di m***a (cit.)... :asd:

ma poi solo a noi vimeo ha piallato l'account perchè mostravamo videogiochi?! :sticazzi:

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Automaniax è presente alla Porsche Cup ad Hockenheim e dalle foto appare evidente l'uso di rFactor con il mod dei GSMF


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AutomaniaX prova a chiarire la situazione in modo ufficiale

We also got a lot of request about the dev team behind our racing simulation. At this stage we can say it is not Slightly Mad Studios from UK. As we are a community project we are also using the power of our community to develop our simulation, but the strength of our own studio as well. We are using super talented race developers from the modding community to create a racing simulation which is as close to the expectations of our community as possible. Also we can state at this point that the rFactor1 engine is not the basis for our future development – this is just for our tech guys out there.

Ian Bell degli SMS fa invece sapere tramite VirtualR

We delivered a full working build of our work to Automaniax. It contained Porsches and the Hockenheim track. They didn’t pay us as agreed and then they cancelled our contract. The fact that they then went ahead and used our work for marketing and promotion after doing so came as a shock to us to put it mildly... We also created much of the video they used. The intention of this was to ‘further impress the Porsche marketing heads’ who were insisting to us that this deal was ours going forward.

We had a short form legal contract in place to deliver a Porsche sanctioned game at the end of this year. This contract was later cancelled by Automaniax. It’s true that we delivered work before the contracted payments arrived but when the Head of Marketing at Porsche who was the main driver of this project is at every meeting we had with Automaniax, and is clearly a friend of Uwe Isack, the Head of Automaniax, then I think it’s fair to say our confidence was justified.

We have emails from Porsche’s head of marketing clearly stating to their CAD people that they are developing a game in cooperation with us.We fully expected a company with the reputation of Porsche to operate professionally, This was a fully playable build installed on a simulator (that we also specced and partly paid for). It’s very clear that our property has been exploited and abused and we’ll be approaching both Automaniax and Porsche in no uncertain terms.

We’re taking legal advice ongoing. In short were owed a substantial amount of money, into the high six figures and we clearly feel we’ve been led down the garden path by a company we had the utmost respect for. I have two Porsches myself for goodness sake.

Reading the latest news article from Automaniax is interesting. I wonder how much ISI was paid for Automaniax’s use of the rfactor engine. I’d give 10 to 1 odds ISI hasn’t even been approached with a permission request, let alone a contract for fair payment. My personal opinion? We don’t need crap like this in our community.

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