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Nuove interfacce grafiche

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Chiudo il topic in quanto al momento è desiderio del team tenere sul forum interno le varie immagini WIP.

A seguito di un recente sondaggio, il team ha deciso di muoversi nella direzione di realizzare un'interfaccia che sfrutti a dovere il metodo di controllo più utilizzato nei menu: il mouse (alla faccia delle console, aggiungo io :biggrin:).

Qui di seguito le prime immagini di quella che potrebbe essere la nuova user interface: mi ricorda molto Windows 8.

Hey guys,

From yesterday's poll it's pretty clear you guys would pretty much prefer to just use a mouse to navigate the menus. Occasionally you might use a quick keyboard shortcut like Enter or Esc but if you're sat at a wheel also, you're likely to have a mouse handy to be navigating with. Either way, the number of people solely using a keyboard or gamepad are small enough to give an indication that a mouse-centric interface is the way to go on C.A.R.S.

Please find below a proposal therefore for a re-skin of the Aries UI...


"To create a HD interface that promotes ease-of-navigation for mice and is aimed primarily at a no-nonsense sim audience."


This proposal borrows heavily from the Windows 8 'tile' interface for a number of reasons...

- Easily expandable (ie.. if new features come online they simply get added as new tiles)

- Size of each tile corresponds to importance (ie.. the features you use more are bigger than those you use sparingly)

- Easily allows for multiple media types (photos, video, text, or iconography) to be combined without being limited to just one

- Is a modern and proven interface method

- Each screen can be bespoke to its purpose rather than having to fit within an established style/size formation

- Brings an attractive quality to otherwise dry content (eg.. sliders and statistics)

- Can easily be achieved in the GUI Tool

- Tiles can be used against any background

- Tiles can overlap each other

- Easy-to-use with mouse navigation, no need for keyboard shortcuts

- Compartmentalizes content

- No need for scrolling or scroll bars

- Works great in high resolutions (more space means more tiles onscreen)



In the above, the Main Menu is comprised of a number of areas...

TOP ROW - Exit, My Profile, My Current Car

LEFT COLUMN - Miscellaneous for now, but would likely contain just Upgrades/Setup/Customization


As more features go into the game, this page would simply add more tiles for Career, Online, Community etc.. all arranged nicely.


In the above example, the currrent dry menu comprising of identical sliders gets broken down into attractive tiles for each specific area. Typical items for going Back, Undo-ing, and Saving become more prominent and ergonomic to use.

Thoughts and comments below please guys!

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piu' che altro mi verra' da ridere per vedere quando dovranno fare il porting sulle console....visto quello che richiederemo noi utenti PC :D

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windows mobile XD

Windows 8, più che altro. :smile:

certo ma in realtà l'interfaccia in windows 8 è la medesima di windows 7 quello che si vede essere simile è solo l' applicativo che nell' 8 è tipo media center :)

Su console sarà molto user friendly quell'interfaccia :)

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