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  1. Eccoci alla seconda parte delle migliori mod Formula per rFactor 2: quali saranno quelle rientrate nella Top 5? Scopriamolo assieme! La prima parte a questo link. 5° POSTO: FORMULA E Secondo molti, il futuro del mondo automotive e, di conseguenza, del motorsport è elettrico. A fianco delle classiche serie che tutti noi conosciamo, dal 2014 è nata anche la Formula E, oggi Campionato ufficiale della FIA destinato a monoposto spinte da motori ad emissioni zero. Un prodotto che, ad oggi, si sta rivelando molto interessante, soprattutto in termini di spettacolo: le battaglie all’ultima staccata nei centri abitati delle metropoli più famose al mondo hanno ormai attirato l’attenzione anche di tutti quei puristi che, inizialmente, criticavano questa serie, convincendo in parallelo anche i modder di tutto il mondo a creare delle rappresentazioni fedeli per i propri simulatori. È il caso di rFactor 2, che nel 2017 ha proposto il primo pacchetto completo destinato alla Formula E chiamato “Energize Pack”: basate sulla gestione dell’energia prodotta dal loro pacco batterie, queste monoposto richiedono un approccio di guida completamente diverso di quello delle loro “sorelle” tradizionali, con tanto di modifiche giro dopo giro alla Torque Map e all’Engine Braking Map per arrivare sotto la bandiera a scacchi nel minor tempo possibile. È previsto anche un utilizzo massiccio del famoso “lift and coast”, vale a dire il rallentamento progressivo precedente la staccata vera e propria per risparmiare energia utile ai sorpassi. Insomma, una vera e propria sfida per tutti gli appassionati di simracing, che tra le stradine di Hong Kong e quello di Montecarlo hanno assistito in questi anni al passaggio di consegne dalla prima generazione di vetture all’attuale Gen2, rilasciata nel mese di aprile 2019. L’aggiornamento ha ottimizzato la fisica di gioco, molto più concreta e realistica, così come la tecnologia brake-by-wire, secondo cui i freni delle nuove monoposto sono gestiti elettronicamente a seconda di quanta pressione si esercita sul relativo pedale, il che di conseguenza porta la ricarica delle batterie per le varie fasi di gara. A conti fatti, il DLC della Formula E per rF2 rappresenta una piccola opera d’arte che ogni simracer che si rispetti dovrebbe avere nel proprio garage virtuale! 4° POSTO: MARUSSIA E FORMULA 2012 (ISI) Uno dei primi contenuti ufficiali per rFactor 2, direttamente curato da quel team Manor Racing che, ad inizio 2017, ha dichiaro la cessazione della propria attività uscendo definitivamente dal Circus della Formula 1. Stiamo parlando della Marussia MR01, monoposto della stagione 2012 che, sul simulatore targato Studio 397, è stata sottoposta a diversi aggiornamenti prima di esprimere completamente il proprio potenziale. Come per alcuni altri mod ufficiali, questa vettura è stata creata sui dati reali di quella che ha veramente corso sulle piste di tutto il mondo: relativamente facile da guidare a un primo impatto, diventa progressivamente più complicata quando si tratta di arrivare al limite. Uno dei suoi punti deboli? La sensibilità dei freni, fin troppo elevata visto che nella realtà, per staccare veramente, è necessario imprimere una forza pari ad oltre 120 kg sul relativo pedale che, se fatto su rF2, genera un bloccaggio tale da mandare in fiamme tutte e quattro le gomme. Sulla base di questa vettura gli ormai ex proprietari della licenza di rFactor 2, gli Image Space Incorporated che dal 2016 sono sfociati nel team Studio 397, hanno dato vita anche a un’altra mod, più semplice da guidare in vista, soprattutto, di un utilizzo per il league racing. Chiamata Formula ISI 2012, il suo scopo è stato quello di replicare finzionalmente la griglia di partenza della stagione 2012 di F1: più sfruttabile della Marussia, rappresenta in ogni caso una vera sfida quando si tratta di lanciarla nel time attack o in gara, dove il segreto per andare forte è lasciarla scorrere senza esagerare troppo con l’over-driving. 3° POSTO: TATUUS FORMULA PACK Gradino più basso del podio della nostra Top 10: come è stato per Assetto Corsa, qui non guardiamo troppo la bellezza o ciò che evoca in noi la vista di una vettura rispetto ad un’altra, ma piuttosto ci concentriamo sulle sensazioni che è in grado di offrirci una volta scesi in pista. Per questo motivo non potevano mancare le sei splendide Tatuus che sono state rilasciate a fine giugno 2019: sono state realizzate in partnership con l’azienda madre e con Engineering Consult, fondatore dell’idea di questo pacchetto che ha ottenuto i dati reali di ogni singolo modello grazie al lavoro congiunto con il team tedesco Mucke Motorsport. Sei piccole opere d’arte che rappresentano la scalata iniziale all’olimpo della Formula 1: nell’ordine potremo entrare nell’abitacolo della FT-50, protagonista delle Toyota Racing Series in Nuova Zelanda, della F4-T014, utilizzata nei Campionati nazionali di Formula 4 tedesca, italiana e spagnola, della MSV F3-016 per il Campionato BRDC di Formula 3 britannica, della USF-17, simile alla F4 ma con freni più potenti, della PM-18 e della F3 T318, la più recente e attualmente impegnata nel Campionato asiatico di Formula 3 e nel nostro WSK regional. Come si comportano in pista? Le più sviluppate in termini prestazionali, come la USF-17 e la F3 T138, sono gestibili in ogni condizione e permettono di spingere anche oltre i loro limiti strutturali senza troppe conseguenze, mentre tutte le altre sono da prendere… con le pinze. Staccate e scalate assassine non funzionano con loro, infatti richiedono una guida molto docile e scorrevole, in cui dosare bene l’acceleratore al fine di evitare fastidiosi sottosterzi. Un problema a cui si può facilmente andare oltre, soprattutto per l’ottimo “racecraft” di cui sono capaci una volta in gara: il divertimento è assicurato! 2° POSTO: McLAREN HISTORIC CARS Il motorsport è pieno di vetture iconiche che hanno fatto la storia assieme ai loro piloti: tra queste, però, ne esistono alcune che hanno brillato più di altre, il che ha convinto gli sviluppatori di rFactor 2 a puntare su di loro per arricchire il già vastissimo parco macchine di questo simulatore. Stiamo parlando della vetture storiche della McLaren, nell’ordine della M23, iridata nel 1974 con Emerson Fittipaldi e nel 1976 con James Hunt, della MP4/8 del 1993 di Ayrton Senna e della MP4/13, vincente nel 1998 grazie al talento di Mika Hakkinen. Tre gemme del virtual motorsport non solo appaganti da guidare, ma anche bellissime da vedere! Rilasciate nell’autunno del 2018 come contenuto necessario per partecipare al concorso McLaren Shadow, sono ad oggi tra i contenuti meglio riusciti disponibili per rF2. La M23, con il suo Ford Cosworth V8 da 3 Litri, vi farà godere ad ogni derapata di potenza in cui la metterete di traverso in curva… da utilizzare rigorosamente con cambio ad H e punta-tacco sulla pedaliera! Molto diversa la MP4/8, decisamente più vicina agli standard attuali delle monoposto di Formula 1: i 710 cavalli del suo motore Ford sono tenuti a bada da un telaio avanzatissimo con molteplici configurazioni aerodinamiche e da un’elettronica allo stato dell’arte, comprendente il cambio automatico programmabile e il traction control. All’epoca il suo intento era battersi alla pari con le fantascientifiche Williams-Renault, ed anche se in totale ottenne solamente cinque vittorie… ricordare l’impresa di Ayrton Senna sotto il diluvio di Donington 1993 è un qualcosa che ogni appassionato potrà rivivere al volante di questa bellezza. Dulcis in fundo… la MP4/13 di Mika Hakkinen: disegnata da Adrian Newey, è stata una delle prime vetture ad aderire al nuovo regolamente tecnico del 1998, dai motori V10 e dalle Bridgestone intagliate. Una monoposto difficile da domare, sempre nervosa e pronta ad “uccidere” il proprio pilota se questo non la rispetta a dovere: con 780 cavalli e un’aerodinamica talmente avanzata da permetterle di raggiungere i 353 km/h di velocità, possiamo vederla come una vera e propria opera d’arte a quattro ruote. Se siete nati negli anni ‘90, portarla in pista non potrà che evocare in voi la nostalgia più pura della vecchia F1… aaah, quanti ricordi! 1° POSTO: GP3 SERIES by Slow Motion Se le Tatuus non vi bastano come allenamento virtuale, mentre le McLaren storiche le vedete come un prodotto a sé stante per ricordare epoche differenti della Formula 1… allora la soluzione per il vostro rFactor 2 personale si chiama GP3 Series. Realizzate da Slow Motion in collaborazione con veri team che hanno corso in passato in questa categoria e che hanno fornito dati reali attraverso la telemetria, sono ciò che attualmente si avvicina di più a una monoposto Formula con cui migliorare seriamente le proprie qualità da pilota con un simulatore casalingo. Nell’attuale versione disponibile, la 2.25, sono riprodotte tutte le vetture dalla stagione 2016 a quella del 2018, con tutte le differenze del caso tra un Campionato e l’altro. Tra l’altro, sono le ultime prima del cambio di regolamento che oggi vuole l’Halo come sistema di sicurezza obbligatorio e un propulsore Mecachrome V6 da 3.4L ridotto in potenza, da 400 a 380 cavalli per le nuove F3 2019. Perchè le abbiamo scelte come vincitrici di questa Top 10? Per la loro sincerità di comportamento una volta in pista: in ogni momento la sensazione è quella di avere sempre il controllo della vettura, grazie a uno sterzo che si appesantisce con l’aumentare della velocità e il raggio di curvatura. Si tratta di una monoposto molto “fisica”, con cui andare a rifinire i propri riferimenti giro dopo giro. La taratura del pedale del freno, inoltre, è quanto di più simile alla sua controparte reale attualmente disponibile sulla piazza: non preoccupatevi troppo dei bloccaggi, qui per staccare come si deve bisogna essere decisi e aggressivi. Se siete dei piloti veri e state cercando una mod con cui allenarvi seriamente, allora scegliete ad occhi chiusi le GP3 Series. Vi permetteranno di capire veramente come si guida una Formula e, fattore molto importante… vi metteranno a dura prova in ogni singola gara che farete contro l’intelligenza artificiale. A differenza di altri contenuti aggiuntivi, questo è stato rifinito anche nell’IA: cosa chiedere di più?
  2. Image Space Incorporated (ISI) ha annunciato la collaborazione con varie aziende del settore automotive per lo sviluppo delle vetture a guida autonoma. Il lavoro sarà effettuato utilizzando il già noto rFPro, il simulatore professionale dell'azienda americana che, pur essendo profondamente diverso dalle versioni commerciali rFactor ed rFactor 2 (peraltro cedute allo Studio 397), utilizza i collaudatissimi engine ISIMotor (per la fisica) e gMotor (per la grafica). Gjon Camaj ha spiegato in proposito:"Over the last ten years we've dedicated our team to producing realistic and verifiable, rather than cinematic, simulation. That focus really paid off with the emergence of the Autonomous Driving simulation market. Our overall simulation architecture and graphics engine delivers, out of the box, the tools and techniques that are required for Deep Learning based perception systems driven by camera, LiDAR and radar feeds." Chris Hoyle, direttore tecnico di rFPro ha aggiunto: "Vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers are increasing their investment in the development of ADAS and autonomous systems, that places the emphasis on the development and validation of Deep Learning systems for both Perception, using cameras, radar and LiDAR to detect the environment, and Prediction, to plan a path through the road ahead, allowing for traffic, pedestrians, road signals and hazards. The combination of technologies from rFpro and ISI is so much greater than the sum of the two parts as it allows us to substantially accelerate our R&D, rFpro has one core focus: driving simulation, and, by investing in our R&D capability, we hope to keep ahead of the curve on the demand for new capabilities from our customers in Deep Learning Autonomous Driving, ADAS and Vehicle Dynamics. The deal also secures our access to key technology, essential to producing realistic simulation for perception systems." Qui di seguito due interessanti video ed alcune immagini che ci mostrano il lavoro in corso. Commenti sul forum. ISI ha inoltre annunciato la realizzazione per rFPro della versione laser scan del circuito di Sepang, che possiamo ammirare nel video qui sotto.
  3. Alessandro Pollini

    [rFactor2] - rFactor 2 Steam Version

    View File rFactor 2 Steam Version rFactor 2 is a realistic, easily extendable racing simulation from Studio 397. It offers the latest in vehicle and race customization, great graphics, outstanding multiplayer and the height of racing realism. rFactor 2 features mixed class road racing with ultra realistic dynamics, an immersive sound environment and stunning graphics. You can race against a field of AI cars, or in multi-player mode against others. The simulation supports a full day-night cycle as well as dynamically varying weather conditions such as rain. Tracks feature "real-road" technology that changes the grip as more cars drive on it. You can run full 24 hour endurance events and in multi-player mode, driver swaps are also supported. Everything can be customized by the community, including adding new tracks and cars, and a wealth of add-ons are available on-line. rFactor 2 is also an evolving product, which will be updated and added to for many years, so the list of features will expand! Submitter Alessandro Pollini Submitted 10/20/2012 Category Official ISI Files
  4. Il team ISI annuncia la nuova collaborazione strategica con la Luminis, gruppo software olandese, per accelerare insieme lo sviluppo del simulatore rFactor 2. La partnership si concretizza nella nuova compagnia Studio 397, nella quale confluiscono risorse di ISI e di Luminis, con un piano strategico già delineato ed ambizioso proprio per rFactor 2: migliorare l'interfaccia, implementare l'engine grafico DirectX 11 ed il supporto VR, aumentare il numero e la frequenza di auto e circuiti nuovi. Qui di seguito il comunicato stampa in inglese. rFactor 2 gets a boost as ISI announce a partnership with Luminis Image Space Incorporated (ISI) of Michigan and the developer of the rFactor 2 simulated racing platform, today announced a strategic partnership with the Dutch software group Luminis to accelerate rFactor 2’s development. The partnership will be brought into a new company: Studio 397. Gjon Camaj, Vice President of Image Space Incorporated: “We at ISI are very pleased to have found a partner that shares our enthusiasm and vision for the continued growth of rFactor 2. We look forward to working with Luminis to expand the reach of rFactor 2 both in Europe and beyond. After having worked with Luminis for some time and seeing their passion for motorsport simulation, this partnership was a natural next step. By leveraging each of our company’s individual strengths, we will be better able to serve our current customers and further expand our reach into the world of motorsports.” Marcel Offermans, Luminis Fellow and Managing Director of Studio 397: “I am really excited by the opportunities that our partnership with ISI offers; rFactor 2 represents the best of breed simulator platform in the industry. Online simracing has been my longtime personal passion, so the opportunity to combine it with my business feels like a great privilege. By infusing the platform with some of our own technology we see great opportunities to accelerate development in general and specifically in the areas of competitions and training.” The new partnership plans to release an ambitious roadmap for rFactor 2’s further development shortly; initial plans include improvements to the user interface, a DX11 based graphics engine including VR support and new propositions for strategic partners by the end of 2016, as well as increasing the frequency of new car and track releases. ISI is a Michigan-based corporation focused on applying engineering expertise to develop a range of simulator products. It is the developer and owner of a variety of software products including rFactor, rFactor 2 and rFactor Pro. Luminis is a Dutch based software technology company employing 150 developers in the Netherlands and UK. It develops advanced technical software related to cloud computing, data sciences and interconnected devices. Luminis also developed and exploits the personalized educational platform. Studio 397 will have its headquarters in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands and will operate under the leadership of Marcel Offermans. Gjon Camaj (a sinistra) di ISI e Hans Bossenbroek (destra) di Luminis This post has been promoted to an article

    rF2: Brabham BT44B v0.88

    Mentre prosegue il lavoro di testing sui pneumatici, arriva oggi per rFactor 2 la nuova versione aggiornata 0.88 della mitica Brabham BT44B del 1975, monoposto di Formula 1 concepita dall'ingegnere sudafricano Gordon Murray che ottenne vittorie e piazzamenti nelle stagioni 74/75 in particolare con Carlos Reutemann. Qui di seguito le migliorie apportate, per il download del file dirigetevi sullo Steam Workshop. Changelog v088 - Re-design and tuning of the tyres. - Slight increase in rake with default setup. - Increased brake torque
  6. Since we initially released the Brabham BT20 for our users, Sir Jack Brabham unfortunately passed away. We wish his family the best, and once again thank them for allowing us to include this car and “Jack Brabham” himself in our simulation. We’re delighted to also have “Denny Hulme” joining him to truly represent their era as opponents for you to drive as, or against. In 1966 Jack Brabham finished on the podium in Mexico using the BT20, winning the Drivers Championship. Meanwhile, Denny Hulme raced the car for most of the season, finishing on the podium four times and cementing the team victory in the Constructors Championship. The car was also used by the team in 1967, with one points finish for Brabham and three for Hulme, including a victory at Monaco. Please uninstall the current version of the car you may have, then download the Brabham-Repco BT20 v1.6 rfcmp and install it. Need help driving? Check out the ‘technique’ section on the BT20 profile page. Brabham-Repco BT20 v1.6 Changelog: – Added Jack Brabham and Denny Hulme AI drivers. Physics – ModelWheelsIncludeAllTireMass’ fix / enhancement. – Moved to ultra chassis (with Chassis Flex). – Inertia’s recalculated for total body and for individual parts (such as brake discs, etc). – Revised suspension geometry from scratch. Pushrod locations are also using the new method and which should give accurate motion ratio’s throughout the entire range of travel of the suspension. – Dampers and springs revised to match. – Reduced maximum steering lock so that tyres would not intersect suspension parts. – Moved over to new steering system. – Tyres scratch made. The old ones were slightly too wide and rear radius was too low. Also the effect of real road on these old tyres has been reduced the tyres also have a lower wear rate. – Numerous minor AI correlation tweaks. – Tweaked undertray locations and added one more point. – Brake system completely recalculated based on new data (the effective Brake Bias is ~57% front on default). – Differential now allows preload adjustments. – New tyre parameters included for wet weather added. – Engine life tweaked. – Minor fixes. Sound – Using new sound internal / external attenuation variables and scrub individually to tyre sounds. Graphics – Brand new historic driver, completely from scratch. – Added individual driver faces for a more authentic feel. – Graphically corrected front rims to 15″, front tyre radius slightly reduced. Tyre widths also slightly adjusted. – Brake discs corected to 11″ (F/R) – Steering wheel mapping update – Shaders update – Various textures updated – Holes in the back+under car body fixed – Minor LOD distance tweaks. – Included additional liveries by our test team. UI – Class name now occupies only 1 entry in vehicle filter list. – Category now starts at manufacturer to be more consistent with other cars.
  7. La creazione del nuovo Studio 397 per lo sviluppo di rFactor 2 ha creato parecchia agitazione negli animi dei fans ISI. Una nuova intervista fatta da SimHQ a Marcel Offermans di Studio 397 chiarisce ulteriormente alcuni concetti, nell'attesa del prossimo update del simulatore previsto in arrivo entro l'anno tramite Steam. Le domande si concentrano in particolare anche sul comparto modding e sulle vetture Stockcars ed Indicar. Commenti sul forum. Doug: Let me guess. Solving the current modding situation is a high priority. Is it the highest priority? Marcel: No, the highest priority issues at the moment are DX11, VR support, a better UI, and matchmaking. The workshop already works pretty well from a user perspective. Tools for modders can still be improved though. Doug: How high a priority is making the packaging process easier to use in rFactor 2? Marcel: I would say it is medium priority. I would like it to be easier for people that host leagues, maybe even up to the point where they don’t need to package anything. For modders the packaging system works reasonably well. One thing that I would like to do is to make the tools easier to integrate into automated processes, so you can create scripts that package content and that can run unattended.

    rFactor 2: intervista Studio 397

    La creazione del nuovo Studio 397 per lo sviluppo di rFactor 2 ha creato parecchia agitazione negli animi dei fans ISI. La nuova intervista fatta da Pitlanes a Marcel Offermans di Studio 397 è quindi decisamente utile a chiarire ulteriormente alcuni concetti, nell'attesa del prossimo update del simulatore previsto in arrivo entro l'anno tramite Steam. Fra le questioni chiarite, il fatto che i nuovi contenuti arriveranno a parte, massima priorità al supporto DirectX 11 e VR, implementazione dei motori ibridi ed un nuovo sistema per l'acquisto dei contenuti extra. Will there be DLC’s, maybe including laser scanned tracks? monthly subscription? online cost? Marcel: We are working on a system for “paid content” that can be leveraged both by the community and ourselves. That will allow us to get more licensed content into the game. We will obviously try to ensure this content is of high quality, so we are considering both laser scanning and leveraging 3D CAD data. As an example of the latter, we are quite proud of Silverstone, which is very accurate and beautifully detailed. How long until the first release from Studio 397? Will it be content or a core update? Marcel: The first release is planned for this year and will include a lot of patches and small improvements that have been in development since the last release. This will be the first Steam only update. New content releases are also planned, but we can release those separately.

    rFactor2: intervista allo Studio 397

    parte 1 -> parte 2 -> RD: It was mentioned there was a proposal to bring the rF1 tyre model into rF2 , generating a number of both positive and negative comments. Do you have anything to say on the subject to maybe address some of the concerns raised? MO: Yeah, I've already given a short explanation in the forums when people started discussing that. I think it is a fair discussion. If you look at the rFactor 2 tyre model, it is definitely a more advanced than the one we had in rF1. There is no debate about that what so ever. But in the past couple of months, I've talked to a lot of people who make physics for cars, also people that do that professionally, who take rFactor and make physics for cars used by racing teams. Some of these are saying that yes, the new tyre model is more advanced, but with the data they have, it is actually easier for them to work with the rFactor 1 tyre model and end up with results that are pretty close to the data that they’ve got. So that is the reason why they prefer working with that model. That's the reason why I'm considering it as an option, to enable more people to work with rFactor 2. Again, stressing the point that we are trying to be an open simulation to the whole community, with as many people working with it as we can. In the end, the overall quality of the physics will determine whether people like it or not. Yes there is probably more to like in the new model, but as you well know, there are many other simulations out there that are still using the rF1 tyre model that are also creating quite nice cars. So I'm thinking why not have the benefit of that and offer an option that lets people decide what they want to drive in the end.

    rFactor2: Luminis nuovo partner ISI

    Gjon Camaj, Vice President of Image Space Incorporated: “We at ISI are very pleased to have found a partner that shares our enthusiasm and vision for the continued growth of rFactor 2. We look forward to working with Luminis to expand the reach of rFactor 2 both in Europe and beyond. After having worked with Luminis for some time and seeing their passion for motorsport simulation, this partnership was a natural next step. By leveraging each of our company’s individual strengths, we will be better able to serve our current customers and further expand our reach into the world of motorsports.” Marcel Offermans, Luminis Fellow and Managing Director of Studio 397: “I am really excited by the opportunities that our partnership with ISI offers; rFactor 2 represents the best of breed simulator platform in the industry. Online simracing has been my longtime personal passion, so the opportunity to combine it with my business feels like a great privilege. By infusing the platform with some of our own technology we see great opportunities to accelerate development in general and specifically in the areas of competitions and training.” The new partnership plans to release an ambitious roadmap for rFactor 2’s further development shortly; initial plans include improvements to the user interface, a DX11 based graphics engine including VR support and new propositions for strategic partners by the end of 2016, as well as increasing the frequency of new car and track releases. ISI is a Michigan-based corporation focused on applying engineering expertise to develop a range of simulator products. It is the developer and owner of a variety of software products including rFactor, rFactor 2 and rFactor Pro. Luminis is a Dutch based software technology company employing 150 developers in the Netherlands and UK. It develops advanced technical software related to cloud computing, data sciences and interconnected devices. Luminis also developed and exploits the personalized educational platform. Studio 397 will have its headquarters in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands and will operate under the leadership of Marcel Offermans. Gjon Camaj (a sinistra) di ISI e Hans Bossenbroek (destra) di Luminis
  11. disponibile -> Svelata oggi la prossima pista degli ISI creata per rFactor2: si tratta dell'autodromo sardo di Mores "Franco di Suni" che potete anche vedere nel video sottostante; ci sta lavorando da tempo Tuttle, che a breve darà il via al testing ed a quanto si può notare dai primi screens, sembra decisamente un ottimo lavoro. Contemporaneamente a Mores, sono iniziati anche i lavori sulla pista dell'Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Introducing new and improved Autodromo di Mores: the atmospheric Mediterranean track of Sardegna! This new version offers a bunch of improvements including, 4K textures, balanced colors, an all new “AIW”, and many more changes listed below. Steam version should auto update via Workshop. Changelog v1.6: – TDF updated to actual standards – New HD Track Loader – Fixed a terrain mesh triangle causing a black patch. – Fixed Tire Canvas not tagged as light receiver – Fixed main Starting Light Overhang Z fight – Fixed missing caps on main Overhang – Fixed some mesh shadows groups assignation – Fixed floating shadows in pitlane when using low shadows settings – Fixed unwanted cut warnings – Fixed Sewers mapping – Fixed Asphalt bicolor patch edges to match crackle decals – Fixed Verges mapping – A tad more saturation for all Grass Textures – Terrain maps now in 4K version – Green Defender Barrier; Fresnel Specular smoothed out to avoid edgy/glitchy speculars – Vegetation; a tad more luma for all tree/bush textures – Cones; a tad less sat/luma for albedo map – Tweaked specular for different asphalts – Stripes specular tune to match reference – Added Test Team RRBINs – AIW various improvements – Added more side cams. – All roads updated to latest RealRoad shader – All roads remapped – gMotor Normals export for all mesh – Material optimization and matballs cleaning – Overall texture tweaking to balance the HDR output – Applied random VC in the vegetation color palette, for all trees. – Glass optimization to work a tad better with actual Static – Fixed outer terrain overlapped vertices causing black patches
  12. News link: Background: This updated Palm Beach completes the phase of updating all originally released track content to our more modern standards, and we hope we managed to save the best and most extensive one for last! Over time it has served as a test bed for new shaders and techniques, all of which have now been wrapped up in this v2.02. Not only has the long-awaited tight and twisty Kart layout been added, but with no object untouched, this update transforms the place and puts Palm Beach where it belongs, in Florida’s hot and humid atmosphere. Enjoy this virtually new track! Changelog: Added Kart layout Improved surface/microbumps feel Implemented latest RealRoad shader New road texture New road detail maps Replaced paddock asphalt with a more accurate version Replaced pitlane concrete with a more accurate version Fixed inaccurate curb lengths Remapped curbs Updated white line material Added blue lines in pitlane Reconformed and remapped all painted lines Remapped and enhanced RaceGroove for both layouts Optimized RaceSurfaces for smoothness Cleaned up terrain mesh Implemented latest terrain shader and blended terrain New grass and soil textures Terrain Radiosity pass Optimized terrain objects for smoothness Added grass verge decals Improved water to resemble swamp pond Added sunblocker object Optimized fence materials for better performance Fixed fence mapping glitch Added foam defender barriers Fixed tyre belt shadow issues Replaced tyre walls Added barrier collision objects Optimized walls, fences, tyre barriers for smoothness Replaced 3D trees with much better ones Replaced and replanted 2D trees with baked 3D trees Replaced and replanted shrubs Added water plants Optimized vegetation objects for smoother performance Replaced Road Course and Drag Race Control towers with new, high detail models Optimized secondary buildings and improved textures and materials Optimized grandstand objects and materials, and improved textures Added DigiFlags to Road Course Replaced floodlight posts with much better model Added night glow objects Removed flags and sponsor signs Added stand in pitlane Added some electrical boxes Optimized power lines Updated notice boards to rF2 users Improved drag strip score board signs (static) Replaced cones with much more detailed ones Replaced outhouses with much better model Replaced bins with much better model Replanted and optimized crowds Replaced car trailer and bus with much better models Replaced low poly trackside cars with higher detail ones Refreshed trackside cameras Updated AIW with all the latest tech Updated TDF with all the latest tech Removed HDR Profiles Created new UI art Added Test Team RealRoad Preset Package Downloads:

    rFactor 2: Indianapolis by ISI v1.7

    What’s changed? A good amount of cutting false positives have been addressed, as well as the pit entry glitch on the 2014 layout. Cam bugs have also been fixed, and the AI cars now use headlights on the road courses. In an attempt to slowly move away from the recent desaturated look, the grass should look a tad more alive. And yes, non-Steam people can still grab the full download and install manually if they wish. Download: 447MB (Steam version should update automatically if subscribed to Image Space Inc in workshop). Changelog: – Fixed AI headlights on road courses – Fixed several false positive cut detections – Fixed pit entry glitch on 2014 layout – Fixed cams on 400 and 500 layouts – Increased grass saturation
  14. Just in-time for the Indy 500 and Angie’s List Grand Prix of Indianapolis, we have an updated version of Indianapolis Motor Speedway for you to enjoy… This minor release fixes a few equally minor issues, and is a good opportunity to demonstrate how a Steam content package update works. It should be a seamless experience; and it shouldn’t download the full track again if you’re subscribed to the item. What’s changed? A good amount of cutting false positives have been addressed, as well as the pit entry glitch on the 2014 layout. Cam bugs have also been fixed, and the AI cars now use headlights on the road courses. In an attempt to slowly move away from the recent desaturated look, the grass should look a tad more alive. And yes, non-Steam people can still grab the full download and install manually if they wish. Download: 447MB (Steam version should update automatically if subscribed to Image Space Inc in workshop). Changelog: – Fixed AI headlights on road courses – Fixed several false positive cut detections – Fixed pit entry glitch on 2014 layout – Fixed cams on 400 and 500 layouts – Increased grass saturation

    rF2 build 1080 e GP3 by ASRFormula

    Il team ISI ha rilasciato la nuova build aggiornata 1080 del suo rFactor 2: la nuova release si preoccupa essenzialmente di correggere vari bugs ed apportare alcune migliorie su vari fronti, come spiegato in dettaglio a questo link. Anche la demo del gioco è stata aggiornata ed ora ci mette a disposizione la Formula Renault 3.5, la Howston 1974 ed il circuito di Toban. Da segnalare inoltre che, sempre per il simulatore targato ISI, è disponibile da oggi il nuovo ASR3 Series realizzato dal noto modding team ASR Formula, che ci permette di simulare la combattuta stagione del campionato GP3, con la monoposto targata FIA che potete ammirare nelle immagini qui sotto.
  16. We’re very happy to release an update for the much-loved-by-leagues Renault Megane, including updates to the 2012 Evo specification. By default, the car is loaded in the 2012 Evo specification but it’s possible, via upgrades, to use 2009 specification (the main difference is less powered, 360HP engine). The endurance package provides center lock wheels (for faster pitstops) and a 100L fuel tank. There are two ways of displaying units for some of setup items – the default being what is used in the documentation. If you prefer standard units, select it in the upgrades menu. We also provided a fix for some of steering wheels not being able to provide full 900 degrees of rotation this car uses.
  17. We’re very happy to release an update for the much-loved-by-leagues Renault Megane, including updates to the 2012 Evo specification. By default, the car is loaded in the 2012 Evo specification but it’s possible, via upgrades, to use 2009 specification (the main difference is less powered, 360HP engine). The endurance package provides center lock wheels (for faster pitstops) and a 100L fuel tank. There are two ways of displaying units for some of setup items – the default being what is used in the documentation. If you prefer standard units, select it in the upgrades menu. We also provided a fix for some of steering wheels not being able to provide full 900 degrees of rotation this car uses. Download: 141 MB Steam users can find this car in the workshop (or download this and use the mod manager exe in the bin32 folder if you do not use the default subscriptions). Main changes: – upgraded to specification 2012 Evo (2009 spec. still available as an upgrade) along with lots of small improvements. – updated to ultrachassis suspension physics, which allows chassis flex. Also slightly improved suspension geometry and motion ratios. – uses CPM tire physics with all the latest tech, including rain tire improvements. – re-calculated brake system. – uses new 3d model, special thanks to RMT! This post has been promoted to an article

    rFactor 2: 2 auto e 4 piste by ISI !

    A quanto pare oggi il team ISI è scatenato! Sono infatti disponibili per rFactor 2 ben 2 vetture aggiornate e 4 nuovi circuiti, creati da collaboratori esterni al team americano: cominciamo dall'imperdibile Dallara DW12 Indycar in versione 1.65, quindi le Stock Car v1.04, per passare poi ai tracciati di Northside, Apple Valley, Eagle Creek e Palm Springs, sia ovali che con layout stradale.
  19. Although it has been updated a number of times, the DW12 really needed this one. The car is much closer to being called ‘final’ now! Download: Non-Steam – 166MB Changelog: – Fix for weak overall FFB feeling. – 120″ wheelbase default now (with 119″ 2nd in list, in order of usefulness) – Reduced real road rate slightly. – Increase in wet cooling effects across all tyres. – Small tyre fix which helps to improve optimum camber angles. – Attempt to make AI less prone to cut corners (especially slower turns and very high speed turns). – Minor AI physics correlation improvements (less longitudinal grip). – RollDamping (in the form of natural / self damping) now embedded into ARB adjustments. – Removed ‘wedge’ from pit menu HUD for Road Courses. – Enable pit-adjustable rear wing for speedway configurations. (The last car bug reported by Max) – Added toe-offsets. – Minor turbo sound tweaks. – Added GrooveSqrdEffect with the primary purpose of reducing speedway grip a fraction. – A tiny bit less sensitive to dirty air (more so on the speedway configuration side). – Leading draft significantly cut too (reducing fore balance shift which cause weird feeling spinouts if someone managed to get VERY close behind) to a more realistic level. – Slightly reduced cooling on minimum radiator. – White edges on digits fixed – Changed “Chevy” back to “Chevrolet”. – Add 1 onboard camera. – Steering wheel hand rotation now matches wheel a little better. – Some other graphical fixes.

    Stock Car by ISI

    We’re delighted to release a great update to our Stock Car that should make those of you who enjoy it – even if just on the roadcourses – very happy! You can now race as – or against – Joey Gase in the rFactor 2-sponsored car as seen in Phoenix last season. It really was a gorgeous livery, so we’re happy to bring it to you in the sim. Download: v1.04 Non-Steam – 279MB Changelog: – Added #32 Joey Gase A.I. car and skin. – Tires tweaked, which now require more camber. – Fix for tuning upgrades. – Fixed typo in setup notes. – Reduced AI sampling rate slightly (afforded by newer AI bumpstop overrides) – Slightly tweaked default setup for most configs. – Added several tracks to trackconfigs.ini – Added several AI setups to help their competitiveness on newer circuits. – Other AI adjustments for newer tracks.
  21. ISI Formula Masters While the 2012 Formula ISI might be an older model and chassis, this car is used by a large number of rFactor 2 Grand Prix racing leagues around the world. Something more modern is in the pipeline, but we wanted to bring the 2012 car up-to-date before that (mainly because a lot of people don’t like the modern cars). The vast majority of work went into the physics and tires, there are only minor visual tweaks. Download Non-Steam: 108 MB Steam: link This post has been promoted to an article

    rFactor 2 Build 1036 update 36

    Build Notes: FEATURES: ————- – Made the pit menu wing adjustments use the same display value as the garage. FIXES: ————- – Fixed idiot light when vehicle rev limit is smaller while in neutral. – Attempted fix for laps sometimes being lost on a race rejoin. – Fixed a crash when starting ded server if borderless mode was previously selected – Fixed a problem where the wrong port was used to tell Steam friends about the server you are on. – Removed the condition that only non-demos can change the opponent list. – Fix for “join as spectator” problem. – PLR value “MULTI Safety Car Collidable” (used for multiplayer) now works; previously only “GPRIX Safety Car Collidable” (used for single player) was fixed. – Fixed occasional ‘missing gears’ problem. MODDING / PUBLIC DEV: ——————— – Increased size of some mas2 dialogs – Added a confirmation before deleting all waypoints in mod mode. – Added delete next/prev to selected waypoint menu. – Changed “delete branch” to only require single waypoint selected. – Slightly raised the line showing where the AI is aim to make it more likely to be above the track surface.

    rFactor 2 disponibile su Steam !

    rFactor 2 Now on Steam Keeping it as simple as possible. You can buy rFactor 2 on Steam here: rFactor 2 = offline only rFactor 2 Lifetime = offline/multiplayer/no subscription required Online Services = Adds 1 year multiplayer to offline Be sure to check out things like the workshop: There are a few guides up in the community hub: Already own rF2? You can keep using rF2 as you are now, or you can MOVE to Steam. When you move to Steam, your non-Steam access becomes DEAD. Also, your non-Steam subscription (whatever remains on it) is WIPED (you just get the offline version on Steam). Lifetime non-Steam users get a Lifetime steam key. You can get access to the form to request your Steam key on our FAQ page under 'purchase questions': (Please don't link to the form directly so people are hopefully seeing the warnings a few times). Yes, non-Steam and Steam users can race together. The current build on Steam is the build you have as a non-Steam user. Steam users DO have some additional features, such as workshop, Steam matchmaker and a few other things detailed in the Q&A. NOTES: Steam dedi server will be an anonymous download published later today.
  24. Chevrolet Camaro GT3 Huge update for the Chevrolet Camaro GT3! This update brings a large number of physics tweaks that should really make this car even more popular. Enjoy! Download: 96.4MB Camaro 1.6 Changelog: Fix for headlight and tail light flickering Fix for skin #5 Rims added New CPM enabled tyres Added 2013 upgrade which includes 19″ rims and larger front brake discs. Aero adjusted based on new data. The balance is now further rearward with slightly less total downforce. Drag has also been increased. Suspension geometry revised, (less bump-steer among other little bits). Springs detached from spindles. Which changes the motion ratio to something that should be more accurate (the car is now softer on default set). Dampers revised. Default setup revised to match other changes. Brake system recalculated. Giving more even front / rear temps and more accurate brake torques and inertia’s. Less understeer in AI, among other correlation improvements. Softer bumpstops. More restrictive wheel travel. Traction control no longer incurs a weight penalty as the real car untilises this. Also added some extra ‘slip angle’ adjustability in the tuning page. Chassis flex improved, (slightly more rigid car with more accurate self damping values). Reduced external transmission volume. This post has been promoted to an article
  25. We’re very happy to bring the Renault Clio 197 to v1.63. This update brings wet weather tires (in all cars since the Brabham release in February) properly into the Clio, along with changes to the contact patch model and various other physics tweaks. Download: 140MB This update does fix the tire crash (with this car only) that some people experienced after crashing into barriers. Apparently, sim racers don’t crash enough to help us figure this one out, so it took a while. Clio Cup v1.63 changelog (from v1.51): CPM enabled tyres, including all latest wet weather parameters. Slightly stiffened chassis. Slight aero correction (forward balance, reducing H/S understeer). Minor ARB tweak. Minor increase in rear unsprung masses. New shaders. Some visual fixes.
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