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PitConfig (preimpostare pit stop)


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This is my first app and my first experience with python. Based on the Pit Menu (by NAGP MadMac) I have developed this app with the following characteristics:
- The app is used to configure the work to be performed on the pit prior to stopping the car on the pit spot.
- Works on any screen resolution.
- Does not require any external executable. All code is in the python module.
- Identifies the tyres available for original AC cars and mod cars.
- Works also on servers that limit the allowable tyres.
- Does not require any button to start the pit work. You just need to stop on the pit spot and the pit stop starts automatically.
- Option on PitConfig.ini to configure the fueling method. Set to "1" (Default) to ADD the fuel to the amount already in the tank or set to "0" to fill the tank up to the amount selected on the app.
- "Fill" button available to complete the tank.
- Preset system for different strategies. Presets are saved on exit and are available the next time AC is initiated if the car is not changed.
- Compact scalable UI. You can increase the UI size changing the "sizemultiplier" option of PitConfig.ini. For instance, set "UI / sizemultiplier" to "1.2" in order to increase UI size in 20% (min: 1.0, max: 3.0).
- Hotkey to cycle between Presets (F10).

Just install and activate as any other app. Let me know how it works for you.

PitConfig v1.7.6



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Non compare tra le app attivabili in game, non so se con la 1.7.3 sia necessario aggiornare l'app.

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Fatto diverse volte e con altre app simili.

Ho messo a 1 anche le DEV_APP nel assettocorsa.ini

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ciao Mimmo, come va?

Ho provato anche quella, anzi, in questo momento ne ho installate 3 che fanno la stessa cosa, ma non ne vedo nessuna.

Sicuramente non modifico correttamente la linea DEV_APP, stasera guardo meglio.

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Ciao Mimmo, come va?

Ho provato anche quella, anzi, in questo momento ne ho installate 3 che fanno la stessa cosa, ma non ne vedo nessuna.

Sicuramente non modifico correttamente la linea DEV_APP, stasera guardo meglio.

Tutto bene grazie :)

devi spuntare le apps che vuoi usare direttamente nella schermata del gioco fra le opzioni, sotto generale c'è Moduli UI,

e forse per quella app nemmeno serve modificare il DEV_APP, almeno nel mio assetto_corsa.ini dentro "steam->common->assettocorsa->system->cfg" ce l'ho impostato a 0 e lo uso...

SIMULATION_VALUE=0 ; increase this for more simulation value
FF_SKIP_STEPS=1 ; Physics engine steps to skip in order to accomodate wheels with lower FF input buffer
DAMPER_GAIN=1.0 ; Set to 0 for Logitech g920
Edited by MadPiston
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