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[WIP] International Formula Masters 2009 by CTDP

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  • 3 weeks later...


Maybe we have luck and 20 new, talented and well experienced members will join right after that post. But that would be something quite unrealistic to expect and actually not easy to handle as well icon_wink.gif . So for now, we will focus on IFM and then we will decide IF, HOW & WHEN we continue work on CTDP 1994.

It’s also possible, that IFM is CTDP’s last mod ever released. If CTDP will be gone, we want to see it go in glory and on a highnote, but we will let you know, as soon as we know. It will not be a decision easily made. Thanks for your attention, patience and your support.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


IFM-2009 status report

Since our open letter, we got a new designer, we welcome Neil to the team, who immediately began work on the helmets.

And helmets we need, as we have roughly 1/5th finished and many remain to be done.

For the cars the situation is much better. Dahie has been reviewing all textures and created the export scripts. We find small issues every now and then, collect and fix them. One official team texture hasn’t been finished yet.

The car model itself is done and ready. While shaders may change with future rFactor2 builds, The current look, is quite stable at the moment. Mianiak was working on the driver body (which was based on the shortly released ISI model). We had the first version ingame, but the animation didn’t convince us. The problem was not the animation itself, it was more or less caused by the insufficient rigging/weighting. Somebody within the team pointed out, it would look like the driver has broken wrists. So it didn’t fullfill our expectations and we changed plans. For the initial release we will go for a non animated driver. We will create our complete own driver model including rigging. But this may take a little bit longer. That’s why we’re using the non animated version as place holder....

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  • 2 months later...

Status update on IFM-2009

Status is, there is not much update.

We feel in a stalemate situation at the moment. As we wrote a couple of months ago, CTDP has had some hard years and we have awaited rFactor2 with high hopes. To boost morale in the team, we pushed the developed of the IFM-2009 mod forward in favor of F1-1994. We had to adjust and get results with less people, and a smaller mod such as IFM-2009 was just the way to go. rFactor 2 Beta was released in January and looking back on the past months, we realized, many of our hopes have yet to be fullfiled. Beta means rFactor2 is not stable and in a constant change. This is software, this is normal, however, this has consequences on the community and on the modders in particular. For us it feels like the community has been holding it’s breath since the first release of rF2. Very few leagues switch and embrace the new platform, even fewer mod teams. And we can understand this, as CTDP is also experiencing the disadvantages of being cutting edge: sometimes you cut yourself. We discovered several bugs in export tools and shaders, we have been embracing the new platform and sometimes we had setbacks and wrong decisions. That’s alright, however what makes it frustrating is, that even after 10 months it feels like developing against a moving target. Software is supposed to evolve and change, but especially interfaces to external components (ie exporters, shaders, physics, packaging) need to be frozen at one point to allow for third-party devs to get things done and build upon it. This has not happened yet and every new build requires to update things on our current alpha of the IFM2009 mod and reexporting the models. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst. Bleeding edge.

While the community held its breath waiting, modding within CTDP appears to suffocate. We have all but one car textures ready. 15 helmets are left to do and no texture artist is motivated to work on it. We have basic physics who need work especially on the tire model, which is its very own story with rFactor2. We have a running alpha version, and no testers who provide solid and helpful feedback. We are down to a handful of people and not sure what to wait for right now.

We are considering other platforms, but right now there is no alternative available/suitable to us.

We are still innovative and full of ideas. We have better tools and utilities for modding than ever before. If we had the same means 4 years ago when we were working on F1-2006, I would shed tears of joy. Still all the tools don’t help it if modding is not enjoyable. And right now it isn’t and we don’t know what we can do to help it. icon_sad.gif

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purtroppo hanno ragione...rf2 al momento sta facendo di tutto per essere evitato da chi fa modding, da scelte sbagliate a continui cambiamenti a malfunzionamenti totali...il fatto è che cosi si allontana il modding anche dalle altre piattaforme...

Edited by Cosm1
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Non capisco il passaggio nel quale affermano di non avere a disposizione piattaforme disponibili.

AC non è uscito ma uscirà a fine anno. Non manca poi molto.

Mi sembra una piattaforma più che avanzata per i loro standard; possono iniziare a lavorare massicciamente

su quella ( che dovrebbe essere più stabile dell'rf2 odierno) e via via convertire per rf2 quando

quest'ultimo avrà compiuto il salto in avanti che tutti auspichiamo.

In linea generale noto un certo pessimismo attorno al modding come se fosse stretto in una morsa mortale

tra rf2 e AC. Meno male che sono arrivate invece, altrimenti cosa vogliamo fare...andare avanti con rf1

per i prossimi cento anni?

Edited by davide69
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mi sa che non hai letto bene quello che hanno scritto, loro sono praticamente pronti, è rf2 che ad ogni build impone di lavorare da capo, in più si aggiungono mancanza di tools e di linearità, tutto questo si traduce in mancanza di motivazione, già chi fa modding lo fa per passione e spesso mettendo da parte il resto, aggiungici che ogni volta bisogna partire da capo e che non si capisce una mazza per come funzionano determinate futures e la frittata è fatta, credo che come in molti si sentano frustrati. Parlando di AC, ma come puoi 'iniziari i lavori' senza nemmeno conoscere come è fatto, cosa permetterà di fare e come e dove si potrà customizzare? :blink:

Probabimente AC diventerà il nuovo punto di riferimento del modding ma come si fa ad iniziare un progetto se non si sa come poterlo sviluppare? Forse si potrebbe iniziare con il modello 3d ma non si conosce nulla a riguardo, quanti poly al max si possono utilizzare?In quante parti di dividerà il modello? Quanti lod? Quanti e quali materiali ci saranno? Come saranno le animazioni? Quali tipi di textures? E potrei andare all'infinito...

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Cosm1, tu hai ragione...ma trovo l'atteggiamento dei ctdp, come dire, inutilmente distruttivo.

Cerchiamo di fare ordine: non vale la pena per ora moddare rf2? Benissimo, ci mettiamo in stand-by

un paio di mesi, dopodichè ci dedichiamo ad AC ( mentre lo sviluppo di rf2 prosegue).

Vogliamo in ogni caso rimanere attivi rimandando di un pò il lavoro sulle nuove piattaforme?

Benissimo, facciamo come gli srm, o f1sr di alesanchez: Riprendiamo un mod gia realizzato e lo

eleviamo ulteriormente ad una versione 2.0. Dov'è il problema? Me lo dite per favore?

Raga, è una passione (fortunatamente) e non una fonte di reddito con il quale si porta a casa

il pane e il companatico e per il quale allora conviene preoccuparsi davvero...

Ripeto, dal mio punto di vista: lamentarsi o scoraggiarsi ora ( per un modder) è completamente

fuori luogo visto l'ingresso di 2 piattaforme nuove e di alto profilo. Si tratta solamente

di aspettare ancora un pò con rf2 ed un paio di mesi per ac.

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