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iRacing e Logitech ARX


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Il Logitech ARX è in sostanza un plugin di comunicazione (gratuito) che permette di interfacciare le informazioni provenienti dal PC per mostrarle su un dispositivo esterno basato su Android o iOS. Seguendo la procedura descritta qui di seguito, potrete avere per iRacing, sul vostro tablet o telefono, le informazioni relative a tempi e distacchi, oppure persino la telemetria in tempo reale. Insomma una risorsa decisamente utile e persino gratuita, che richiede solo un pò di attenzione in fase di configurazione. Il video qui sotto spiega tutti i dettagli.


This is an introduction to the Logitech ARX client and how you may go about developing new plugins for it. With the rewrite of ARX, I felt it was time to launch a new thread.
First off ARX is a communication layer provided by Logitech that allows communication between an application on the PC and your Android or iOS based device. It basically allows us to act as a web server sending pages to your phone, along with a simple bidirectional communication channel so we can push live data to the phone and receive inputs back.
ARX is provided to you in two parts, there is a client that runs on your android and ios device that you can pick up in your favorite app store and a server that is built into the Logitech Gaming Software (version 8.87.166 as of this writing) that supports the logitech gaming mice and keyboards. Both the client and server are available for free and Logitech has graciously allowed you to use the ARX software even if you do not own a Logitech gaming mouse or keyboard.


To use the ARX functionality you need to install both the LGS and phone app from above, and make sure both are running and connected together. From there simply launch the sim and we will push out a display to your phone. Inside the sim youYou can go into the options tab and under external display you will find a check box to turn ARX off and an ARX mode: dropdown that lets you choose what page to display on your phone.


Dettagli e download qui http://members.iracing.com/jforum/posts/list/3344813.page


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